3. Nice Guys Are The New Bad Boys

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It was already the next day, i haven't closed one eye since what happened. I was lying on bed trying to figure out what just happened. Traumatised to an extent that I can't really describe," He raped me!! Just like he F*ck*ng said he would. He kept bothering me till he got what he wanted. I couldn't believe it, I didn't scream or yell at him. I sat there. with no words. Nothing would come out of my mouth. I went to my house as fast as I could. I went into my old room, locked myself, and started to cry. I couldn't believe how it was. The pain. The worries. The trouble. The problems. The consequences. I don't know what to do now. All these negative feelings are blocking the path to solve this problem. I still can't believe what he did. "He just sincerely seemed like a nice guy, you know? Something doesn't seem quite right and i can't put my finger on it. I find myself second-guessing my feelings and questioning the truth of our marriage. Did david really marry me because he was scared to hurt his mother's feelings? or is he hiding something? UHHG what am i saying i can't get my head straight. It hurts you know, to fall in love with someone that doesn't love you back. Someone knocked on my door. ' GO AWAY' i said sadly The door opened it was David. I immediately grabbed my parfum and pointed towards him. 'Hey easy i just wanna talk to you' as he started to cry, ' i'm so sorry Amira i felt sick when I saw you two there, I was so angry sad and hurt please don't hate me' I didn't know what to say David began to sweat, tremble and hyperventilating ' are you ok? omg ' i feel weird' i never felt like this before omg omg what should i do i'll call a doctor. I feel heat from the inside and butterflies ' OMG' David said in shock' ' What'? i i i i think i'm in love with you. ' ha ha ha' so funny You really did scare me you know. ' no i swear' what? i i love you' i don't believe you you just want me to shut up and be quiet about what you have done. i walked away . He grabbed my arm. I turned around He looked me straight in the eye 'sorry' 'no your not sorry and i don't believe you, love is a big word you shouldn't see it as a joke' i said angry. ' ok i'm sorry, lets go home tho' he said. 'No i'll be staying here i cant see ur face right now so please just leave ' David refused to go and came closer he grabbed me by my throat 'I will leave but if you tell anyone what happened, i'll tell your dad his wife is a disgusting whore' . David left. A few hours later my mom came home she was surprised to see me . it was hard to act like nothing happened but i had to. My mom and dad have had there issues in the past and it finally seemed normal again i couldn't just throw these things at them. So i decided to keep my mouth shut. 2 weeks went by and my mom was acting suspiciously my parents told me to go home that i stayed long enough they thought i was home sick or something if they only knew what really was going on. When i arrived david wasn't home, This was actually the first time i saw davids house actually our house. It wasn't really that different from the hotel. Just a lot bigger. I had to go to the bathroom so i decided to explore my new house. Eventually i ended up in davids work room. Normally i'm not that curious but i walked towards his desk and opened the drawer of his desk i saw a little black box with a ring in it. it was so beautiful maybe david was really sorry and he never wanted to hurt me. He isn't that bad tho. I've heard someone come so i immediately got out of the room and went upstairs ' the master bedroom' where the magic happens or should i say where my nightmare begins. 'Hee you came home early. why didn't you call me i could have picked you up' David said. Really was he acting like nothing ever happened? ' ' i'm a big girl i can handle myself' ' i doubt that' 'What do you mean' David grabbed a cushion and threw it on my head he laughed hard. I picked the cushion up and started to hit him and he did the same. We both laughed this was actually very nice, ' get dressed i have a surprise for you.' he said happy. The only thing crossing my mind was that ring. I made myself ready and went downstairs. There were candles everywhere and flowers. This was so nice. 'finally you made it', what do you think of this.' 'í'm speechless, it's actually pretty awesome. 'David i have to tell you something first before you do anything' I've rehearsed this moment so many times i could dream it: David you broke my heart when you raped me, and threatened me, but call me stupid for still talking to you, its because i love you, i only see the positive and good things i attempt to be blind to see everything you do wrong. This is what i have rehearsed and i was ready to tell him.'What do you want to tell me ' David said surprised. And at that right moment the bell rang. 'YES the surprise is here' he said happy' He walked towards the door. It was a woman, she kissed him on his cheek and entered my house. 'Amira this is Nawal my first wife, i was so in shock, and she was wearing that ring, 'hi amira how are you it's so nice to finally meet you, we will have so much fun in the future inshallah she said happy. 'David had to go and take care of some things in the office and left. It was just Nawal and me. 'So how long have you guys been married?' 'Ow shut up little whore, you think david cares about you? you're just his little charity case he doesn't love you he loves me and when these 6 months are over you guys will be two, ow and habibti get your stuff out of our bedroom yallah i'm moving back in '

Amira's journal:

Oke for those who have red my story so far must think im stupid because i still haven't left. I'm not just doing it for my mother anymore, i'm here because i love David and i'm done being sad about him being an ass. I'm not going to sit here and wait for him to become a better person, i'm going to make him a better person. I am ready to play the game and i'm soooo ready to kick that bitch out of my house and i will just watch me!!

one week flew by my eyes. I was ignoring david completely. He was very irritated about that fact, I could tell by the way he looked at me. Nawal was going to her mother today. So it was quiet in the house. David and i aren't talking at all.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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