Chapter 66 [Mickey] Secret Locker Note *

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for still reading and being here for me! I hope I'm not disappointing you. The story has a little bit longer to go, but I just wanted to warn you that this book might be happy and have good things going on at the moment, but remember the title.

-____- Gone. >:D Downfalls are bound to happen, and the next few Halloween chapters will blow your freaking mind. 

Bare with me. xD


"Tessa," I rush out, closing my eyes and falling onto my back on my bed, unable to even catch my breath. "Come on,Tess. Why the hell won't you answer any of my calls?" I wait a few seconds before deeply exhaling, beyond confused. "I mean, you can't just tell me you got raped... and now suddenly just ignore me!"

"Mickey?" I hear my mom call out my name as I roll my eyes.

"I'M BUSY MOM," I reluctintly snap, quickly sitting up and shaking my head, wondering how long I've been leaving this messege for. "Tessa please just call me. Call me back, babe. I'm really worried about you." And then I press end, harshly growling under my breath, confused as hell and literally having an anxiety attack.

And then I dial Jace's number because he hasn't called me at all ever since he left this morning, and I have no idea what ended up happening with him and Brock. Everything is just going horrible and I feel so helpless, so I hear the ringing and suddenly, his voicemail comes on. I look down at my cell and realize it's the fifteenth time I've called him.

I stare over across the room at my closed suitcase I have packed, and it finally hits me. Maybe, he just used me. Or maybe he figured out that the better choice would be him just staying there for a while, or even forever. Or maybe he got hurt! I just can't afford to be thinking this way!

And unexpectedly, with all of these horrifying thoughts rushing through my head, is when my cellphone starts vibrating and I immediately answer it after noticing who it is.

"TESSA!" I nearly yell, not meaning to but I can't help it. "Oh my god, Tess. . ."

"Sorry," she lets out.

"Are you alright?" I demand, my tone not sounding very friendly but I obviously don;t mean it. "I've been calling you for the entire day! I wanted to come visit you and Jace won't answer my calls, and you didn't answer any of my calls either and I left you like five messeges and--"

"Mickey, calm the f**k down," Tessa shouts through the reciever, as my heart pounds. "You're going to give me anxiety, anxiety that I really don't need to have right now."

"You have anxiety? I've been ignored all day by my best friend and Jace. I'm only calling you because I fucking care. Why are you being such a bitch?"

"A b*tch? I'm so not being that. I got raped Mickey, okay? I'm in shock still. I've been in my bed for the past ten hours okay?"

"Tess," I softly say, before dropping my gaze to the floor. "I'm calling because I care..."

"You care when I tell you I've been raped, but you didn't care enough to make one freaking phone call to me ever since I've moved away?"

"You just got a new cell phone! You called me on it the other day," I let out defensively.

"You could have googled my new number or something. You know my parents first and lasts names, don't you? Or hmm, did you forget?"

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