Finding Charlie

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I did a little more research on Charlie and my great grandmother. It took about 30 minutes but I found Charlie's address. He lives four blocks from the library. I found a knife similar to my grandma Zella's knife. I found his house, but I had to search for a way in. Two doors and one window later, I found an open window by the kitchen. There were no lights on, but his car was in the driveway. I assumed that he was asleep. I snuck in through the window and almost knocked over a glass of water. I was looking for his bedroom when I heard a noise, it was a tv. The noise was coming from a room down the hall. I quietly tip-toed down the hallway, his room wasn't completely shut. I slid through without making much noise. He was sleeping, I pulled out the knife and slit his throat. The blood squirted from all sides. I then pulled up his shirt and carved the word shadow into his stomach. I loved the way the blood ran down his body. It was like an art piece, it was my first masterpiece. It made me happy to look at.

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