Joril Mermaid AU Part 1

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"Gil where are you going?" June asks me. "I just finished making breakfast." She fusses.
"I'll be back in a bit. I just wanted to go see the dolphins this morning." I respond.
"Ok.. just be careful. You know humans are around the dolphins most of the time.." Her eyebrows furrow.
"I'll be fine mom. Don't worry." I give her a quick hug and give granny a kiss on the forehead.
"Bye mom! Bye grandma!" I swim away, out the cave entrance, my tail pumping hard through the water. I take all known short cuts so I don't have to deal with early morning current traffic. It's such a bother when you get stuck behind a school of current way learners.
"Morning Gil!" Laurie waves from the day care center, holding a baby seal in her non-waving arm. I smile and wave back. I take a sharp left, heading in the direction of the land dwellers over tide city. I hide behind the rocks and duck away from the sight of the law enforcers. For some reason only mermaids and mermen cant go near the land dwellers. I make it past the two mermen who were protecting the city borders and swim to the scuba destination. I don't know what scuba means but I do remember that I read somewhere it being a land dweller activity.
I make it to the spot and hide behind a rock that has algae and long tufts of seaweed growing from it. I see a boat a few yards away. Boats scare the crap out of me because they are so loud and disturbing. I push the seaweed aside and look around. I see a group of people whose black suits read 'Bay City Wildlife Researchers.' I hear something though. It sounds like crying. I squint and notice a young sea turtle. I gasp, wanting to go out after it. I decide not to though since it is rumored that if a land dweller sees you you'll be killed.
I watch nervously as the turtle cries and cries. Soon though, I younger looking man swims over to the sand kicking baby, approaching slowly. It's the diver from before. I watch him help the baby onto its stomach and he respectfully swims back. I watch with admiration as the man swims back up. I start swimming up as well since it seems the whole group is going up. I watch the man clamber onto the boat. He takes of his plastic face thingy and his fluffy locks of gray hair fall out. I feel blush spread across my cheeks as the sun glows on his shiny hair. He smiles at someone as he is talking and I smile with him. I recognize two dark freckles under his beautiful eye. His gaze flicks in my direction and I freeze. His head turns fully when we make eye contact and gasp. I duck down under the water, swimming away. I hear commotion on the waves that came from the boat. I search for the nearest place to hide. I hear a loud splash and peek over the ledge. The man came back into the water and he is frantically looking around.
I press against the rock absolutely scared. He saw me.. I'm going to be killed! Oh gosh what do I do.. I swim lower to the sandy bottom and use my camouflage tactic. Since I'm part anglerfish I have a somewhat ugly tail. It's a dark brown and I have this really pale skin compared to it. However, its good for camouflage. I press my tail against the brownish rock and my body against the white sand, putting my hands on my bulb so it doesn't stand out like a sore thumb.
I watch the man swim out past the reef and he turns around. He looks defeated almost and I feel bad for a quick second. He swims back to the boat and I wait. I hear the loud monster start on it and I hear it fade away. I swim back up and peek over the rocks. They're gone. HE is gone.

"YOU WHAT!?" My mom gasps, looking like she is going to faint. "Did you just tell me you have an attraction to a LAND DWELLER!?" She stares. I nod slowly.
"It's not an attraction I just-"
"OHHH. So purposely going to see a land dweller because you find them 'interesting' is not an attraction?" She puts her hands on her hips.
"You don't understand. He was like.. helping animals and stuff!"
"Honey. Trust me. All land dwellers do is hurt us mermaids and mermen." She swims away, going back to the dishes. "Just be careful, m'kay?"
"Ok.." I promise her.

"Jordan... what? You can't be serious." Blaudin laughs hysterically, slapping the wall.
"No, really!" Jordan insists, angry at his brothers denial.
"Le-lemme get this straight. You saw a MERMAID!" He wheezes.
"A merMAN. It was a guy." Jordan points.
"You're just hallucinating. Maybe you should take a break from saving the oceans and help out more around the lab." Blaudin suggests.
"No. I know what I saw and I'm going to find whoever that was." Jordan promises, grabbing his car keys.
"Pffff ooook. You do you then." Blaudin waves, rolling his eyes at his brother.

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