New Family

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"Okay, we'll take her." The woman said to my social worker, Bob. I just got of a foster home, the lady was nice, but due to her old age, she couldn't take care of me anymore. I'm Lauren by the way and I'm almost 17.

Bob turned to me, "Lauren, this is Clara, one of my close friends, you're going to be staying with her and her family for a while. Okay?" I nodded my head and followed her to her car.

"So Lauren, just so you know, we have certain rules. Your curfew on school nights is 9 and it is 11 on the weekends, okay?" She said to me sweetly as she started the car. I nodded my head as she continued, "Were not real strict, but you will need to share a room. I'm Clara, and my Husband's name is Mike. We have three other kids, there all around your age, Camila, Normani, and Ally. Camila is 16, Normani is 16 too, and Ally is 17. We fostered Camila and Normani when they were 6, and adopted them soon after. We fostered Ally when she was 8, and adopted her when she was 9. Since we have so many kids, you will need to share a room with Normani, is that okay?"

I nodded my head as she laughed.

"You don't talk much, do you?" She asked me.

"Sorry," I say as I chuckle lightly. Clara seem nice enough. Most of the foster homes I've been in, the people weren't that nice. I've been in 7 foster homes in 7 years. No one seems to want me very much. I can understand that, if I were them, I wouldn't want me either.

The whole car ride was silent, just the sound of faint music could be heard in the background. Once we reached the house, I climbed out of the car and waited for Clara to get out as well. Once she did, we started to walk to the house.

From the outside I could tell that it was cozy, but from the inside, it definitely looked cozy.

We stopped at the stairs leading upstairs, and Clara smiled at me. I politely smiled back.

"So your room is up and the second door on the left, across from you is Camila and Ally's room, mine and Mike's room is at the end of the hall on the second floor as well." She explained as we walked up stairs. I only had one bag with me, it had a jacket, a black beanie, a change of clothes which consists of a black t-shirt and a pair of dark ripped skinny jeans, a ring that my grandmother game to me before she passed away, and a sketchbook.

Clara led me to my room, and knocked on the door. A tall girl with dark skin and dark hair opened the door with a warm smile. She was really pretty and had on a tank top and shorts.

"Normani, this is Lauren, Lauren this is Normani." Clara said as she looked between us smiling. I smiled warmly at Normani, she smiled at me.

"So you're our new foster sister." Normani said with a smile.

"I guess I am." I reply softly.

"Well come in roomie!" Normani said and she moved out of the way and opened the door all the way.

"I'll leave you two to it, Mani show Lauren around while I get dinner started." Clara said brightly and she walked down the stairs.

I walked into the room, it looked cozy. There were two beds, one at one end of the room, and one at the other end. One of the beds had school books spread across it, and the other one was free of clutter, it had a black bed spread and a few pillows. The walls were a medium shade of red, and there were posters spread about the walls. There were two dressers, again one was occupied, and one was not. Everything that was in this room was there, and more. There were two dressers (clearly these people were prepared), there was a book shelf which I was very happy about, there are two desks, and there is a big closet. Damn, these people were either rich as fuck, or they robbed a bank, which would mean that there rich...idiot.

"That's your bed over there," Normani said as she pointed to the one with the black bed spread and she sat on hers. I nodded to her and put my bag down on it. I sat on the bed and I took off my jacket. Normani looked at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked her as nicely as I possibly could.

"You... you have a tattoo?!" She exclaimed and I chuckled.

"Uh, I acutely have three..." I say as I un-pack my bag and neatly place my stuff on my bed.

"No way! Can I see them?" She asked, sounding like a little child. I chuckle once more as I show her. I have one on my right arm, its Roman Numerals its XXVII, its 27. That's the day I was born and the day my mom died. I have another one on the outside of my right wrist, it says 'Angelica', which is my grandmother's name. The last one I have is on the back of my neck, it's a dragon fly, it's there because I saw like 20 the day my grandma died. It's sad and all, but I just channel my heartache in song writing and drawing.

"There really pretty Laur," Normani says and I do a double take on the nick name.

"Laur?" I say playfully as I raise an eye brow at her.

"Oh- I, uh-" I cut her off,

"No, its okay, I like it." I say with a smile. She smiles back. I play with a bracelet that I have on my wrist, I always do that when I'm nervous. Its just become a habit. I can feel Normani watching me, studding me almost. She broke the silence,

"Do you want a tour of the house? The other girls should be here by now."

"Sure." I say, time to meet my new family.

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