Secret sister

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"Wait wait wait wait wait! So you're telling me that you have a secret sister, and I didn't even know?!" Dinah said as Lauren just rolled her eyes. The two girls were cuddled on Lauren bed, watching The Little Mermaid, Laurens favorite movie.

"Calm down babe, I didn't tell anyone." Lauren said as she looks up at Dinah. Her Dinah. Well her soon to be Dinah.

"I know but, aren't we like... A thing?" Dinah says as her voice quivers slightly. Lauren pushes up on her elbows, and looks back at the caramel colored girl.

"A... thing?..." Lauren says as she blushes.

"I mean.... You know what, forget I said anything." Dinah says as she hides her face in her hands. Lauren laughs, and takes Dinah's hands away from her face.

"If you want this, me, all you have to do is ask." Lauren says as she kisses Dinah's cheek.

"I think I've been pretty obvious on that. I. Want. You." Dinah says as she looks into the green eyed girls orbs.

Lauren leans down and captures Dinah's lips as they move together in harmony. Dinah extends her hand into the green eyed girls hair as Lauren hums onto Dinah's lips. Lauren intertwine her legs with Dinah's, and rubs them together.

"Ewwwww!" Normani says as she pears into the bed room.

The two girls reluctantly pull apart. Lauren looks at Normani and flips her off.

Normani smiles at her sister, and moves aside, to reveal Zendaya.

"We came to watch the movie with you two, but I can see that you're busy so..." Zendaya says as she looks at Lauren.

Not to long ago, Lauren and Zendaya had a talk, and Lauren was considering joining the dance team the her and Mani were on. As of now, she still hasn't made her decision, but she's genuinely thinking about it.

"No, stay. Honestly, I need more people around so I don't start crying." Lauren chuckles. Normani and Zendaya nod, and sit on the floor at the foot of Laurens bed. Normani hops in Zendaya lap, and kisses her girlfriends cheek.

"So, Lauren have you thought more about my offer, because we could seriously use your moves babe." Zendaya says and she plays with her girlfriend's hair. Normani seems ultimately too invested in the movie to even notice the little action, one that she has grown to love.

"Auctly, yes... So I was thinking, maybe I should try out?" Lauren says as she covers herself up in a blanket.

"Eek! Yessss!" Normani and Zendaya say at the same time.

"Could you guys keep it down I'm trying t- awwwe you guys are having a movie party without me?" Camila asks as she pouts out her lower lip.

"Waltz what on earth are you wearing?" Lauren asks as she smiles at her sister. God she sure is something...

"What? My onsie? I was cold..." Camila says as she plays with her onsie monkey.

"Mila, would you like to watch the movie with us?" Zendaya asks the smaller girl.

"I mean, wouldn't I sorta be a fifth wheel?" Camila ask as she motions to the couples cuddle together.

"I mean, like just invite Jesús over, or is it Kelly? No! Brandon!" Dinah says as she tries to remember which partner the girl was currently with.

"I thought it was Spencer, you really liked them." Lauren says, giving her self points for using the correct pronouns.

"I thought it was Em." Zendaya says.

"I thought it was Aria." Normani chimes in.

"Yeah yeah, I get it, I'm a sleeze, what else is new?" Camila says as Zendaya rolls her eyes.

"Don't let Ally hear you say that shit, she'll make you drink holy water, while bathing in it, while having crosses all around you, while looking at a picture of Jesus, while in a god damn church." Lauren says as she looks at her sister.

"Damn straight." Ally says as she magically appears behind Camila.

"Fuck! Warn a Pansexual next time!" Camila says as she puts her hand over her heart.

"Sorry! But, can me and Troy watch too?" Ally asks as Dinah rolls her eyes.

"Sure Allycat." Dinah says as Ally jumps up and down, and reaches in her back pocket to pull out her phone. She dials troys number and walks downstairs.

Camila just shrugs, and climbs into bed next to Lauren. Lauren pulls away from Dinah and starts to cuddle with her sister.n

"Camzyyyy don't jack my girlfrienddddd." Dinah pouts as she crises her arms.

"Girlfriend?!" Zendaya says as she looks at Dinah.

"Girlfriend?!" Camila says as she damn nearly falls out of the bed.

"Fucking. Called. It." Normani says as she leans back more into Zendaya. "Baby I'm cold."

"Bitch how is that my problem?" Zendaya asks the girl. Normani pouts. Zendaya rolls her eyes, and gets her girlfriend a blanket that was on the floor next to them.

"Yes, girlfriend. Now gimmie her back!" Dinah says as she pulls the green eyed girl her way.

"Um, she was my sister first!" Camila says she pulls Lauren twords her.

The doorbell rings as Lauren basically jumps out of bed.

"I'll get it!" She says as she rushed down the stairs. When she reaches the door, she swings it open, only to be met by the last person she ever though she would see.

"Wolfe..." Lauren breaths out. Wolfe looks at her little sister, as water comes to her eyes.


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