If you're not dead yet, I'm going to fucking kill you

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Dinah let out a frustrated sigh, and she fell face first onto her mattress, her cheeks stained with tears and her eyes puffy and red. Why didn't Lauren tell her sooner? What wasn't she the first one that Lauren told?

Maybe Lauren didn't think Dinah could handle it, or maybe she just didn't trust her. Either way, she just wish she knew sooner, she could have helped Lauren, and they could have talked through it. 

Maybe her reaction would have been different, maybe she wouldn't have fucked it up, and maybe Lauren wouldn't hate her. 


Dinah groaned, and threw her phone across the room, no doubt breaking it. 

Her heart ached, it felt like it was being ripped apart over and over again. Her throat was ache and dry, making her voice low and raspy. She couldn't believe what had happened. She couldn't believe that after everything that her and Lauren have been through, this is what breaks them. 

Dinah squeezed her eyes close, and let a few tears slip out, dancing down her face, falling on her lips. Dinah let out a chuckle, it reminded her of a stupid pick up line Lauren had used on her once.


"I want to be a tear drop, so i can be born in your eyes and die on your lips." Lauren had breathed out, a small smile blooming on her lips.

"That is the cheesiest thing I have ever heard in my life." Dinah chuckled, as she looked across the table, watching Lauren basically drool over her.

"Yeah... but did it work?" Lauren asked with a toothy grin. 



It obviously worked, seeing as they are- were, together. 


With a gut wrenching sob, Dinah got up from her bed, and walked over to were she threw her phone. The screen was cracked, which Dinah thought was an accurate symbol for this moment in time.

She had two messages, both from Wolfe.

Maybe she didn't know yet, Dinah thought, she wasn't there when i left. Maybe she just didn't know...

She definitely knew.

And Dinah was definitely fucked.

If you're not dead yet, 

I'm going to fucking kill you.

Dinah knew that Wolfe had gained a new found hate for her, even if it had just been a little over an hour since Lauren had told her, and she acted the way that she did.

Dinah messed up her whole life in the span of a few seconds, and she would never be able to fix what she broke. She knew that she would loose all of her friends, would loose the best thing that had ever happened to her, she'd loose her kid...

Dinah had a kid. She's going to be a mom... she would have...

An achy feeling appeared in thew pit of her stomach, her throat soar and horse, and her eyes red and puffy. 

Her arms instinctively went to her stomach, and clutched it, thinking that it would stop some of the pain.

But it didn't.

It didn't stop anything, it only seemed to make it worse. Dinah was thankful that no body was home to her her sobs and screams. 

She hated her self. She hated every single bone in her body for what she did to Lauren. She wished that she had reacted differently, and than maybe she and Lauren would  have a future. They could raise their child together, get married, hell even something as simple as going to college with Lauren would make her so happy.

Now none of that would happen. She wouldn't get to have the best life possible because of those few seconds. A few seconds fucked up her entire life, and she didn't know how to feel. She didn't know what to feel. 

She knew that she needed to make it right... but how?

Sorry that was so short, I've been having writers block when it comes to this story. However, i have been working on one story in-particular that i love to write. So, me being the person that i am..... YA'LL SHOULD GO READ MY CLEXA STORY! ITS CALLED "PLEASE COME BACK TO ME" AND IT'S DOPE.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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