I am besotted with you
Your every being, your every breath
From the simple under your lip
To the arch of your backYou are my muse
My inspiration, my joy
My smile is real
When you're the causeYin and yang
We fit, like a puzzle
Two soul mates
Doing the dance that lovers doAnd as I read once
Dancing is key to falling in love
The fragile human body
Seducing a lover, or twoBecause that's how it goes
No matter how I'm love I am with you
How obsessed I am with your body
She was always there to take my place
Besotted and Blind
PoésiePoems or a stream of thought about the end of a relationship. The love was one sided. There are plenty more, just seeing if they're wanted first. If there are any grammatical errors please let me know.