Stay calm

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Once again I woke up to consatant beeping. I hate the hospital. I looked around the room and saw Adam talking to the doctor and Michelle.

I started to cry. I remembered what happened. I heard footsteps then someone took my hand.

"Eve please dont cry.". He wiped the tears from my face.

"How can I not cry! He just killed the child Adam! How am I supposed to stay calm!"
I  broke down in tears.

"No. Its ok." I looked up and gave him a werid look. I looked over in the direction of the doctor and he nodded.

"Just listen to him Eve." He said then left.

"He's telling the truth Eve." Michelle said as she took my Hans in hers.

"Eve the knife completly missed the baby. Its still alive." I smiled the biggest grin in all of history. I'm still pregnant. Wait what about...

"What about my dad? He's still out there." I tryed to sit up only to get pain in my stomach.

"Your not going anywhere for at least a week." Michelle layed me back down.

"It's ok. They sent him to a but house. He's never getting out this time."

"No that's not true. Everyone says that then he gets out and tries to kill me!" I just hate that man. I hope they kill him next time he escapes.

"The'll take care of it." He kissed my hand.

"They better." I mumbled so no one can hear. Then I remembered. Jakeim!



I'm sorry people its a short chapter I know. But you have to deal with it. I have the end of the book all planned out so I want it kinda to go with the flow with the eplouge. Witch I already wrote so yeah.

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