Chapter 2: Nervous or Scared?

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~Alastars POV~

Alistar woke up to find a note from Harash on the pillow next to her. She sighed in annoyance and picked it up.

Why can't he just leave me alone for ONE day?! She thought unfolding the thick, old looking parchment.

Dear sweet Alistar,

Yes, I know you are stressed about you duties as the "Riser" but you MUST do as planed promptly. You understand that this mission is essential for the Rise to be a success.  For any normal human being, this task would surly be impossible. But of course,  you are not a human being.  You are a vampire. One of 3 Elemental's. Rare, and talented. You can do it.


Harrash Kerii.

P.S, Distroy this note.  

Alistar huffed. She could'nt beleve that he thought she was sensative and weak. She knew she could do it. It is what she has been training for all along. She foccused on the old, dusty parchment with her mind and it imediatly burst into flames. She droped it into the near by trash can. She licked her lips thirstaly. 

Alstar opend the rackaty door and walked into the small, cossy living room. Her mom and dad where sitting on the couch watching some capitol presentation on the small TV.  Her mom looked up and her eyes brightend.

"Ali, how are you doing hunny?" She said in a fake, happy voice. Alistar frowned a bit. She loved her mom dearly, she did not like hearing that sad voice. 

"I'm okay mom. Just nervouse."  Katness smiled and huged her doughter. "You'll do just fine!" She exclamed proudly.

That's not what i'm worried about mom. Alistar thought as she let go of her mom and pourd herself a glass of goats milk. She drank it with greed but it did nothing to satasfy the nagging thirst, the burn in the back of her throught. She saw Striker sitting at the kitchen table.

"What are you worried about then, sis?" She fround and rolled her eyes.

"Would you just STOP reading my mind?" She snapped back. Strikers bright brown eyes nerrowed. 

"Hey, you are the one who forgot to put up a barrier to stop me." He smirked in trioumph.

Alistar growled and flashed her sharp fangs. "Excuse me for being preoccupied." 

Alistar tried to calm herself down. She clossed her eyes and put her head in her hands. Striker gaped. 

"Oh my god, i'm sorry Ali. I forgot, todays the day of the mission." He got up and put his long, musciled, tan arm around his little sister. She sighed. 

"It's okay." She replied getting up.  "Now, I have to write thoughs stupid slips. 800 of them, all with my name. Can you believe that?"

"No, sucks for you sis." He replied giving a chuckle.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Five Hours latter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Alistar was all done writing the slips. Her hands ached. She wished she could just use her unnatral speed to do them but her mom and dad forbid useing it because, if someone saw her, It could ruin the hole mission. She stuffed all the little papers in the black bag that sat on her bed. When she heard footsteeps downstars. Unfamiler footsteeps. Gracefull, and soft. Vampire footsteeps. One of the Vampire Rebeilion Members was here. Alistar clinched her fists and ran downstares. 

"What do you want?" She snaps looking at the brown haird vampire talking to her dad. 

The vampire looks up with crimson eyes, then looks back at her dad. "She is quit the spit-fire is'nt she?" He asked. Her dad smiled.

"Yes, yes shes like her mother that way. But, I told you she does not drink human blood. She wont do it."

Alistar frowned at her father. "Do what dad?" she asked. The vampire smirked and answerd for Peeta. 

"Take you hunting.  For peacekeepers."

Alistar gasped and Peetas jaw clenched. "Why do I have to do that?" She asked wairaly. She didn't want to turn him down not knowing why. It could be important. 

"Human blood makes us stronger and faster. You'll need to feed before the Rise mission." He replied. Alistar sighed.

"Okay, I'll do it."

She knew she needed to be at her best, her brain to be clear from the thirst that constantly nags at her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12:00 am~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She was now at her best. The warm, strong feeling the blood gave her reminded her of  that. But that didn't change the fact that her heart still pumped faster  than normal. She was scared.  If she failed, the Rise would be over. The capitol needed to be taken down. For good.

Alistar looked in the mirror. She wore black jeans, convers, and a read v neck tank top with lace. A black hoodie over that. Her long, wavy black hair cascading down her back.

She grabbed the bag that held the slips and slipped out the door, closing it silently behind her.  She used her vampire speed to get to the justice building, she claimed up a tree and then onto the roof of the Justice building. Two peach keepers guarded the front doors. Tomorrow is the reaping so security was high. She listened, the inside had another four peacekeepers at  the windows. Alistar drooped silently infront of the sleeping peacekeepers. She silently laughed at how careless they where. They probley thought no one would dare challenge the capitol. She grabbed them both by there thought and knocked there heads together to knock them out.

She flexed her muscles and jumped back onto the roof. She got on her stomach and carefully took out the window. Which was already broken. She slinked through the window and landed on the balls of her feet. Before the peacekeeprs noticed she was there she focused on the air around her,  making the wind blow so fast around the peacekeeprs heads, that they suffocate. They drop to the ground.

Alistar sighed in contentment. Shes almost done.

She looks around the room, there where red beams zigzagging the room that no human would be able to see. She danced under and above, side to side, to ovoid them. Getting to the two glass bowls in the middle of the room. One labelled  "Girls" one labeled "Boys". Once she out in front of them she unzipped the empty bag and placed the slips from the bowl, into the bag. The village didn't know it. But the entire girl population, was safe from the Games this year. And hopefully the years to come. 

Alisrar zipped the bag and opened the one with her slips. She took a deep breath and put them all in the bowl.  Alistar looked at the peacekeepers and concentrated. She wiped there mind, they would not remember anything, then she quickly zipped the bag back up went out the window, pouting it back in place.

She hurried back home and slipped back in bed, only then did she allow herself to cry. 

I'm scared. She thought as she drifted off to sleep. 

A/N: The pic of the man is Striker.... Read, comment, vote? TANKS :)

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