Chapter 4: The reaping part 2 and The Boy Tribute.

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Alistar couldn't believe it. The boy that Shanna called out was Shae Verrn. Her soul mate, she thought that she got him to safety when they sent him to District one.


"Ali, I don't want to go! I don't care how dangerous this is!" Yelled She and Alistar flinched. Alistar had to send him To district one. If Halash or the vampire cancel EVER found out about him he would be killed. He knew about Vampires. He was RAISED by one for Christs sake. When he was just a baby, his parents where killed in a mugging by four guys. His mother found him in a deserted alleyway in the Capitol, and raised him as his own. Educating him in all things vampire. Including the rebellion. And me. When his vampire mother was killed by a rough Werewolf he veneered out into the woods and ran into a vampire peace keeper. Undercover of coarse. He was a caring vampire, also a mind reader so he picked him up on his way to District 12. He knew about Alistar and that she would help him. What he didn't know was that Alistar was his soul mate. 

The peace keeper dropped him off right outside an opening in the fence and drove off. On the way inside  he was caught by some young vampires and beaten. One of them was a low level psychic and cruel. He beat Shae and he found his way to Alistar.

After a few months they started dating. They were very much in love before hand but Alistar wanted to take it slow, for his sake. Alistar didn't want him involved in the Rebellion.  A few months after that Halash started to send trainers to train Alistar. One of them was a mind reader and noticed that shae new everthing about the rebellion and vampires. He was going to tell the cancel so Alistar, and Striker wiped his mind and sent him back. 

The images that ran through Alistar were so horible that she contacted her friend Helias. Helias can block minds so Alistar wanted to send him to District one to stay with her for a while. Shae had problems with that.

"You have to, its to dangerous. I love you Shae, I don't want anything to happen to you so please?"

Alistar pleaded with him.


"Well, its eather you leave, or we do. Your choice Shae." Alistar said in an angry voice.

His green eyes shine with tears and he cupped her face with his hand. Alistar leaned into his hand severing his touch.

"Okay, I will. But only for a while. I'll come back. I promise. I love you."

Alistar told him she loved him to. It was so hard to let him go it tore her apart. She spent the rest of the night with him and sent him off the next day. Crying the entire time.

Shae walked up to the stage his eyes on me. The crowed clapped quietly,  they did not know who he was. Alistar glared at him as love, and anger filled her veins. She ached so badly to run into his arms and kiss him. But she could not. 

Shanna went on about how great it was that she was chosen. What an honer it was. How lucky they where. That made her sick, she wanted to rip her throat out here and now. She looked at Shae, his green eyes were shinny and he looked more muscular than he did.

Again, she ached. She clinched her fists and concentrates on the crowed. Shae stared at Alistar, longing and, what, regret? In his eyes. Alistar looked away yet again.

Shanna finished up and motioned to the door. The peace keeper lead them into the room where friends and family members could say goodbye.

Alistar sat down and put her head in her hands and waited. She knew he parents where not coming to see her. They have already said there goodbyes. 

Suddenly Alistar tuned into what Shae was thinking.

Shit, they put me in the room with HER. Shes going to kill me when she finds out! Helias will be here..Hopefully she can stop her...oh shit!

Alistar growled, Shae was scared of her. It had to do with something he did. Something that involved Helias. The feelings that she felt coming from Shae confused her. He still loved her but she felt that he had feelings for someone else to...but who? Helias? It could not be.

Alistar stood up at the sound of footsteps coming down the long hall. Shae looked at her, anxious.

"Who's coming?" He asked as she sniffed the air.

"Gale." She said and she smiled in excitement. She didn't think Gale would come. She smiled widely and Shae frowned.


Gale walked in trailing behind the peace keepers. Alistar ran into his arms. "Gale! I did not think you' would come!"

Alistar softly cried into gales chest as he rubbed her back. "Of coarse I'd come, are you crazy?!" He exclaimed with a chuckle. Alistar laughed a bit.

"Maybe a little." She smirked.

Suddenly the peace keepers came in. "Time to go." They told Gale as the pushed him out. Helias came in slowly.

She ran over and...kissed Shae! Alistar screeched. "What the hell!" Anger and hurt where all that Alistar knew. Tears filled her eyes. She felt like he betrayed her. Felt like Helias betrayed her.

Shae let Helias go. He looked at her sadly. She looked at the blond haired blue eyed girl that was once her friend.

"Why?" She asked her voice filled with sorrow. Helias's eyes where fierce. "Because you shouln't have left him." She replied and started to leave the room.

Alistar growled, she did not leave him! She was just protecting him!

Before she could step foot out the door she used her speed to slap the door shut and knock her against the wall. Helias looked at her frightened. She knew she had no chance at the elemental.

"I. Did. Not. Leave. Him. I was protecting him you fool!" Alistar said showing her Ivory, needle sharp fangs. Her eyes were deadly.

"Ali! Stop!" Yelled Shae. Alistar slowly released Helias, who then darted out the door quickly.

Alistar turned to face Shae. "I know I hurt you, but please don't hurt her...It was my fault Ali, and I still love you."

Alistar rolled her eyes. Her heart was broken, she was slowly dieing inside. Tears flowed down her cheeks in rivers. Alistar wanted nothing but this pain to go away.

"We were soul mates. You're only supposed to love me! Make your choice now." Alistar replied

"Does it half to be now?"


Shae was silent for a moment. Alistar felt what he was feeling. Heartbreak, and sorrow just like she was. Except, it hurt for him to think about losing Helias more.

"I'm so sorry Alistar..I never..planed this. But, I love her. It hurts-"

"I know!" Alistar cut him off. "I can feel what you feel! Its over.."

A lone tear fell down Shae's tan cheeks. "Is there a way to break soul mates?"


"Can you, will you?"

"Yes." Replied Alistar. She knew to get out of this pain she would have to do it.

"How do you do it?" He asked running his hand through his black hair.

"I kill you." She said and Shae's eyes filled with terror.

Shae backed away from Alistar, she closed her eyes in pain.

The peace keepers came to take them to training. 

Shae loudly cried. And it broke Alistars heart all the more.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so sucky, I've been real sick and tired. Well, hey...At least I got another chapter up. Vote/comment/fan? Please? And thank you to all my loyal fans!

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