The Writer [23]

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I ran away after witnessing the scene in that restaurant. My feet are cold and my head's already spinning from exhaustion and confusion. What's that bitch up to now?! I wanted to drag Sasuke out of that place but I don't want to be scandalous.

I sat on the steps of our front door and burried my head in my arms.  "Damn life.. I shouldn't have love that guy in the first place."

A part of me mentally cursed myself for having regrets on that matter. In the end, we can't force ourselves to not love someone, right? I sighed. Why do I have a feeling that even in other alternate universes, I'll still love Sasuke unconditionally?

I know your face

Your eyes

Your lips

Your taste

I rubbed my arms, not wanting to get inside yet. Atleast this way, I know that I can still feel. The cold devouring me. Just then, Sasuke's smiling face appeared in my head. I frustratedly pushed those thoughts aside but I found it hard to do so..

I love the way

You know just what to say

Is he thinking of me too? Damn these emotions. And most importantly, why am I crying? I scolded myself. This is all my fault..

I don't know how long I've been in that position. The next thing I knew, Sasuke Uchiha was standing right in front of me. He had a disheveled appeareance and an emotionless expression on his face. I felt my heart sank at the sight especially when he coldy called out my name,


So cold,  so cold

Baby you're so cold, so cold

I stared into his eyes. This scene.. This is from Chapter 23 of the book I wrote. Shit. I suddenly hated myself for recalling that. I felt a lump form in my throat and prayed to Kami that he wouldn't be doing what I think he'd be doing. Sasuke Uchiha isn't like that, right?

But when those five words left his lips, I knew the tears on my cheeks wouldn't be drying up anytime soon..

"I'm breaking up with you."

I took in a deep breath and calmed myself. "S-Sasuke, what are you tal---"

"Goodbye, Haruno."

My eyes shot wide in shock as I saw Sasuke walking away from me. Despite the freezing weather, I ran up to him and desprately clutched onto his jacket. No... S-Sasuke.. Please, don't..

Take it easy baby, we can make it right

Girl, you know my love is always on your side

"S-Sasuke-kun! What's going on?! Come on, d-don't be like that.. You're scaring me..."

But when he didn't answer, it feels as if my heart has been torn apart. Warm tears poured out of my eyes and I found it hard to breath. My knees were buckling and my whole body's trembling.

Sasuke's all I can think of.. H-He can't be doing this to me.. No.. I don't want to lose him, not yet.. Please, just let me have him for a little bit longer.. I'm a selfish girl with a selfish wish, yes. But love makes people selfish sometimes.

As snow fell, my sobs were heard clearly.

Rest your eyes tonight

You know that my love is on your side..

"Sasuke, p-please.. T-Tell me, what's the matter?! I-I love you.. Come on, we still have to write our own story together! W-What about the list? Y-You promised..."

But he disregarded my pleas and harshly pushed me away from him. He had his head hung low, a shadow casted over his eyes.. A frown gracing his pale lips.

Sasuke shook his head, and fled off into the night.

Leaving me broken and helpless, crying my heart out to ease the pain. I feel like I'm a piece of paper, being torned apart after the pen wounded me... After the words made me bleed.

You know that my love,

Is on your side.


Song: "On Your Side" by A Rocket to the Moon

✔ The Writer [SasuSaku]Where stories live. Discover now