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I'm not very big on rules so there are only a few but you get 3 warnings.

1. I do not mind swearing but please try and keep it to a minimum.

2.Any smut please pm because I don't want others to be able to see if they may be uncomfortable with smut.

3. Please do not message me asking to change my characters they are not going to be changed.

4. There is no limit to how many characters you can rp with but please don't start a rp and forget about it. It's a pet peeve sorry.

5. Don't hate. Meaning no racism, no homophobic, no being sexist or anything like that.

6. I control my characters, please don't put what they say I get if you say. 'There was Jayden in the doorway' but nothing like ' "where are we going?" Jayden asked.'

7. Don't kill my characters please.

8.I get if your character is depressed or something but please don't make fun of it. If you do I will automatically stop roleplaying with you.

9. Please roleplay in third person

FireAngel02 helps me create names for my characters if I'm stuck so a massive thank you pebs.

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