For my good good fwend

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HELLO all you wonderful people!I know,another AN but its important!My good good fwend fluttersquidgirl needs a covor for her "Met on the internet(GENDERSWAPED)" so I made a covor!It took 1 day and 2 tries but I think its good!

HELLO all you wonderful people!I know,another AN but its important!My good good fwend fluttersquidgirl needs a covor for her "Met on the internet(GENDERSWAPED)" so I made a covor!It took 1 day and 2 tries but I think its good!

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I know its hand drawn but I don't have fancy stuff and like I said it took a long time and I really put my heart out there!Since Grian is in it and genderswaped I put her on the phone since she's kinda the main character.IRL theres a storm and since I'm not looking at my window delayed thunder is scaring me.I know its off topic but HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO WRITE AND EXPLAIN WHILE I'M SCREAMING FOR DEAR LIFE OUTTA SHOCK!?I live in Florida,so storms are common,but STILL I can hear my cat running around the house.Anyways took all day and a few tries but fluttersquidgirl if it needs a different angle,you can say.Also you can point out flaws.I don't mind,just don't hate.Also if its blurry sorry.Not the BEST with cameras.
(P.S:Comment #WritingSpree becuase 3 chapters in 1 day,BOI IS LIKE CHRISTMAS IN MAY!!!!!)

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