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Glitch:Guys I know another A/N but,also I know its late.......HAPPY BIRTHDAY OVERWATCH!!!!!Its Overwatch's anniversary and I'm SOOOOO HAPPY AND ENERGETIC!!!!I was suppose to do a dare MadnessMaze (sorta) gave me but I forgot IT WAS OVERWATCH'S BIRTHDAY SO I HAD TO MAKE THIS!!!!Overwatch has come SO FAR from open beta and all you people out there who have played Overwatch,like me,your part of the reason it has come so far!I don't have any Internet on anything but my phone,still slow,so I.CAN'T.PLAY.Haighe01 already knew since I told her in her DanCat oneshot book all I can watch is movies because my Internet's down.ITS.A.LIVING.HELL.Srsly its so ANNOYING knowing I could be playing but instead must wait.But I have til June 12,AKA when the ANAiversary(Get it?Ana is a Overwatch character)event ends,to get all the dance emos and skins!We thats all and-
Neecy:(Pushes her down and stands in her place)I will see all you WONDERFUL people in the next chapter!BU BYEEEAAAA!!!!!
Glitch:OH COME ON!!!!

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