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Neecy was in a casual outfit.She had a pink and purple jacket on,Black shorts,and her long hair was in a high pony with a pink ribbon.She has a pink designer purse from paris that Glitch got her on one of her missions.Glitch was on her phone,probably reading DanCat,Corick,or Phan.
Neecy:I'm heading out.
Glitch(Looking up from her phone):Where ya going?
Neecy:The mall.I'll be back by noon.
Neecy:Bai :3
Neecy walks out the door and to the mall.
(At 9 am.)
Glitch:Might as well turn on Fox 13 news.
Glitch turns on the news.
News reporter:Breaking news,a local woman is being held captive by a terrorist at Sarasota square mall.The woman is named Neecy C.Here is some horrific footage.
Camera(On T.v);
Neecy:(Muffled screams for help.)
Terrorist:Nobody is coming!
Glitch snaps off the t.v and starts running to the mall.
Glitch(While running at the speed of light):I SHOULD HAVE GONE WITH HER!
Glitch starts smacking herself.
Glitch(While smacking the side of her head):STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!
Glitch arrives.Policemen are shooing people away from the mall doors.An officer lets Glitch in.People are still fleeing out of the mall.Glitch makes it out of the crowd and sees a man with a black cloth over his mouth,and a classic terrorist outfit.He was covering Neecy's mouth with his hand and her hands were tied behind her back.She was struggling to get free but her attempts failed.She had a scratch on her cheek,not a gash,but slightly bleeding.
Glitch(Enraged):LET MY FRIEND GO!!!
Terrorist:Any why should I?
Glitch:Because killing because someone innocent that doesn't believe in what you do isn't right!
Terrorist:American cops kill all the time,you IDIOT!!!
Glitch:We only kill to protect the people we love and care about!Because were America.Home of the free and land of people who can spell "their" on Twitter anyway they like without judgement,and someone can shoot a man and go to jail for 30 years but shoot a duck and go to jail for life!Were home of burger king and Mcdonald's and other places people don't name like Wendy's and Dairy Queen!
Terrorist:Yeah not really getting through.Now,AMERICA WILL LOSE ANOTHER DAMNED SOUL!!!!
He pulls out a gun and aims at Neecy's head.She squirms and tries to scream.Glitch sunmons a gun and fires at the floor across from the piller that their standing underneath.
Terrorist:HA!YOU MISSED!
Glitch:I never miss.
The ground under them shakes and then the piller falls along with the other 3 pillers.(If you've been to the sarasota west square mall you'll know what I mean.)
They both fall,seperating.He aims at Neecy.The rope tieing Neecy's hands snaps.Glitch zips up and kicks the gun out of his hand.
Glitch:Too bad!
He grabs ahold of Glitch's neck as she tries to kick him.She finally kicks him away and he hits a wall and slides down.Glitch glitches over to Neecy and grabs her by the waist.Neecy blushes.
Neecy:What are you doing!?
Glitch:Just trust me!
Glitch pulls Neecy on her stomach.Glitch lands in the fountain and gets wet but Neecy isn't wet.She casually walks out on the nearest step without getting wet.Glitch stands up and walks out.She shakes herself dry like an animal.Her cat ears and tail pop out.She usually hides them to be taken more seriously.
Neecy:I didn't know you were still a neko!
Glitch:I keep my ears and tail hidden to be more stealthy and serious.
The police bust in and arrest the terrorist.Glitch and Neecy are given towels.Just then a car pulls up.Frisk,Shelby,Jess,Ruby,Kukki,and Angel come out and rush to their friends.The all hug their friends.
Jess:I'm just glad nobody died!
There is a gun shot heard from inside.
Shelby:Ya wished it,Ya wanted it,ya blew it.
Jess:At least-
Ruby covers Jess's mouth before any more jyxing can happen.
Glitch:Lets get home and fix that tiny scratch on Neecy's face.
Neecy(In a jokingly tone):I am so injured!The pain is unbearable!The humidity,equally unbearable!And with that,I die!
Neecy plays dead.Glitch heals the scratch with her healing stream.
Neecy:Just kidding!Thank you very much!
They all clap and laugh together.
(Thats all and I'll see you WONDERFUL people in the next chapter!BU BYEEEAAAA!!!!!)

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