Meeting you ( a chandler riggs fanfic )

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I'm sitting I the car with my mom, dad and brother. Where on our way to meet people from The walking dead. Its the only thing that actually brings us together as a family.

I stare out the window as the trees go by. I notice the car start swerving and the windows surrounded by water.  I rub my head, after hitting it on the window. I quickly look at my mom and dad, who are not moving, possibly dead or knocked out. I turn to look at Logan, i reach for him and intertwine our hands together. I quickly unbuckle my seat belt, and try to open the door. It wont budge. Logan stares at something out the window. I see a boy pop up outside of his window. The boy reaches for Logans door, but he Logan starts beating on the window and shaking his head no. I look at Logan like hes crazy. The boy comes to my side and opens my door, pulling me out. Everything starts to get blurry as im losing oxygen. I feel Logans hand slip out of mine and my vision goes black.  

The boy says " I'm going back for the boy!"

Boy? My brother. Where is he?

 I move my head a little but stop trying due to the pain. I try to open my eyes but I cant. I go to take another breath and I struggle and wiggle. I feel lips pressed against mine, breathing into me.  I role my head over again, taking in deep breaths. 

I wake up in a hospital bed. I look around and there's a teddy bear, balloons, and a card sitting on the guest chair.  I carefully unhook the wires and things. I get up and everything's a blur, and i get this weird feeling in my head. I sit back down and rest my hands on my knees. I take a deep breath in and try again, slowly making my way to the card and balloons.   I pick up the card and walk back over to my bed. 

Dear Maxie,

The doctors said you wont remember me, but im the boy who saved your life. Im so sorry i couldnt save the boy in the car. I tried he just.. He wouldnt breath. I'll get someone to take care of you. Someone to adopt you, i wont let your life go to shit in a adoption center. We'll meet again one day. 



I quickly grab the remote with nurse button on it and press it repeatably. I stare at the ceiling waiting for a nurse to come in, still pushing the button. I cant bring my thumb to stop going up and down. 

" Maxie whats wrong?"

I turn my head still pushing the button, shaking.

I say " Where's my brother!?"

She says " I'm sorry Maxie,"

Wait I'm sorry? That means he's gone. 

I look up and the nurse sticks a needle in my arm. My vision gets blurry and I pass out.


I look through the metal institutions window and see myself curled up in a ball. Everythings white in the room im in. Even my clothes. 

" Thats gonna be your future if you dont get ahold of yourself. "

I turn to look at who said that, and see Logan. My heart drops and i stare at him. 

"Youre gonna be hurt. Youre gonna try and give up. Youre gonna want to give up, but you cant. Or you end up here. " 

He motions me to look at myself. Im slowly rocking back and forth and see cuts up my wrists. 

I turn to look at him to say something, but hes gone.

~end of dream~

i slowly open my eyes to someone saying my name. 

"Maxie, come on hunny... wake up. "

I slowly push myself to sit up. I stare at the lady that was talking to me. 

I say " Your Lauren Cohan right?"

She says "Yes i am."

I say " What are you doing in my room.."

She says " I'm adopting you Maxie. Hear have the papers. The hospital released you."

She hands me some papers and carefully look over them. They clearly state that she's adopting me now. I hand them back to her and look sad.

I say " What about my parents and brother? Where are they?"

She says " I'm so sorry Maxie. But there gone. Cha- I mean he could only save you."

I sadly nod. I was afraid I would get that answer. Even though a part of me already knew that answer. I slowly slide off the bed, with Lauren next to me. 

I say " I dont have clothes.."

She says "It'll be okay. Here you can wear my jacket."

She takes off her jacket and i slip it over my hospital gown. 

Meeting you ( a chandler riggs fanfic ) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now