Staying with Chandler

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Once we got to Chandler's we went to his room. His dad gave us a talk on how he trusts us and nothing should happen. You know the normal dad stuff. Its kinda weird between me and Chandler right now. Im not really sure what to say. I mean am i supposed to ask him out or am i supposed to wait for him to ask me out? I dont even know. Its confusing i mean i have never felt this way before. I mean i liked Sam but idont think i was in love with him. I know for sure im in love with Chandler and i never ment to really tell him, it just kinda slipped out. 

I sit down on his bed and he sits next to me. I feel so weird. 

He says " Maxie. I umm i was saying the truth. "

I look him in the eyes and sigh.

I say " I did to Chandler, i just i dont know. "

He says " What are you confused about? "

I say " I just dont know what to say. I mean i really like you but i just dont know what to say. This stuff is new to me. I think im in love but  i dont know. When im around you i feel weird and nervous and insucure. Nothing like when im with anyone else. And i feel like something wrong here. "

He says " Why tell me why? "

I say " I dont know Chandler. I just cant explain it. "

He says " Its okay you dont have to. Just give me premission to try something. Just once, when its not forced. "

I say " Uhmm okay. "

He leans in and our lips connect and move together slowly. The sparks i always get when this happens with Chandler accurs in my body. I like it and could get used to it. I also could get used to the fact that Chandler just kissed me and its not for the show, or for a photoshoot or anything. its just because he wanted to. We both wanted to. Maybe everyone was right. We do love each other. WE just didnt know it.

We both pull away out of breath and stare at each other for a moment. 

He says " I think that worked. Maxie, if i  told you that i loved you would you believe it? "

I say " if i told you yes would you believe it? "

He smiles a real smile and nods.

He says " Maxie Nicole Cohan, i love you. Will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend? "

I say " CHandler Carlton RIggs, i love you to and i would love to be your girlfriend. "

We both smile and kiss again and the same feeling was there but a whole lot stronger than it was before. 

After we pull back, i get out my phone and tweet about me and Chandler.

" @chandlerriggs I love this boy way to much and im happy were finally together <3 "

" @Maxie_cohan1 im happy to announce that were together. We love you guys. "

Aurthors note: Hey guys! I finfished it! I hope you like it as much as the other one! Leave nice comments to make me smile! I need some smiles latley. 

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