I'm a good girl (28)

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Harry's POV

"Please turn off your devises, we will be taking off shortly." The flight attendant asks the passengers. "Don't be nervous." Jess whispers into my ear, relaxing me tremendously. We are currently on the plane to fucking Florida! Yes, she won. It took her a few days but she got me.

How? Well she threatened to leave for Florida by herself. And she knew I wouldn't allow that! She used it against me!Im still pissed but here I am on this fucking plane to go to a 4 year old, that I don't even fucking knows birthday party! This is how she knows she has me wrapped around her fucking finger! Of course she knew I would choose her over my biggest, and only fear. I would do anything for her, go anywhere for her! And this trip is making me realise that... I don't like this, I don't like being under her spell but I know that I can't get out of it, therefore I'm not even going to try.

Her warm breath in my ear again takes me away form my thoughts. "You ready?" She asks placing her hand in my thigh and squeezing it softly. Ok she can't do this to me, tease me. It's not fucking fair!

I look at her and give her a small, nervous smile. "I'm fine." I tell her, completely lying. I'm so fucking scared I don't even know what the hell to do! This is the first time I've ever been this scared, I've been on a plane once. I swore from that experience that I would never go on one ever again, and yet here I am! "No. You're nervous, I can tell." She calls me out. "Whatever." I snap and look away from her out the window. She doesn't respond, I just hear her sigh and go back to whatever the hell she's doing.

As the plane starts moving my nerves grow. Before I know, I'm clutching the seat for dear life! "It's fine baby." Jess' soft, soothing voice assures me. I can't speak, my tough, bad ass look has vanished! Right now I'm gripping the seat, with my eyes screwed shut, and I'm not breathing. I look so fucked up! I mean, I am fucked up, but this just shows how fucked up I really am!

Jess takes one of my hands, intertwining our fingers. She's never seen me like this, and most likely won't ever again after this trip. Well I'm hoping she never will!

"Harry we're in the air. It's fine now." Jessika's sweet voice warns me. I open my eyes and realise my grip, I also start breathing again. "We didn't die?" I ask nervously. "Not that I no of, no." She smiles. I let out a deep breath.

I look around to find that most people around us are asleep. There are only about 3 people that can see us, so I pull the arm rest up and pull her onto my lap. Her legs are on either side of me and she's straddling me. She's so fucking sexy! She's so tired because our flight was at 3:00 in the fucking morning! She's wearing yoga pants, despite my objections, and her favourite PINK sweater. Her hair is down and her beautiful brown hair is wavy. "Harry!" She whines and tries to get off me but I don't let her move by putting my arms around her waist, restricting her. "Please? I'm tired." She begs. "Then sleep baby." I tell her. "I can't you won't let me move." She pouts. "I'm sure you can manage." I smile and roll my eyes at her. "Fine." She pouts making me laugh quietly.

Somehow she gets both if her legs to go the same way draping across my lap. Her head is laying on m chest and she's sleeping. I rest my head on my seat and close my eyes. I'm exhausted! Me and Jess woke up at 1:00 in the morning to get ready to leave at 2:00. Most of it we spent fighting over why she can or can't wear those fucking yoga pants! I argued,


"No, hell no!" I tell her when she walks out of the room in yoga pants. "Why? Do I look bad?" She asks nervously. "It's not that! It's that if you wear those, One, I won't be able to keep my hands off you, Two, I won't be able to stop staring at at your ass, Three, all of the fucking creeps will be the same way." I explain. "Harry, that ridiculous! I'm not changing. I'm comfortable!" She defends. "You have other cloths that are comfortable! There is no way in hell you're wearing those." I am already staring at her damn ass! Fuck! "Harry, I'm really not changing. So you'll have to suffer through your problems!" She tell me. "Fine, but I swear if some creep looks at you I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of them!" I warn her. "I know.'' She smiles walking up to me, placing a kiss on my lips. "Ok, let's get this shit over with." I groan. She just laughs and pulls the luggage, which I take from her.

-End of flashback-


"I'm bored." I whine. "I know I am too." Jess agrees with me. "8 fucking hours is way to long!" I continue. "Yeah, but we only have an hour left." She try's to cheer me up, it's not working. "What the kids name?" I ask her to make conversation. "Cara." She beams thinking of her niece. She's shown me pictures of the kid on her phone, she's kinda cute I guess... I don't know. "Question, will I have to talk to her?" I ask. "Yes..." She nods. "Jess I'm not good with kids! That's why I don't want any, because I don't like them and they don't like me." I tell her. Sadness flashed in her eyes when I said I don't want kids, but she recovered quickly. I know she wants kids, she also wants marriage, both of which I will not give her! There's no point. I know what you think 'But you can't live without her!' I know that. Just because I don't want marriage or kids doesn't mean we can't always be together. I've never dated anyone but her, and before my thoughts about marriage and dating were the same. I may have changed my thoughts for dating but that's as far as I'm pushing it!

"It'll be fine. Cara will love you! Be nice to her! Oh and you can't swear, or be a pervert." She gives me the rules. "So basically I have to not talk the whole time." I specify. "No just be nice and appropriate." She tells me sliding off my lap before I can stop her. "This is going to be a long week..." I mumble. She pretends she didn't hear me though I know she did. I think she's still recovering over the 'no kids' speech.


"Ok so we got our bags, now let's go." She tell me and drags me out of the god damn airport. I almost forgot how much Americans annoy me...

She wanted to stay at her sisters house but I stopped that quickly! I'm not staying there! Nope no way in hell! She now we are in a cab on our way to the hotel.

I'm a good girl (H.S)Where stories live. Discover now