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Violet's POV
'Beep Beep'

I hate alarm clocks. They make my head go insane than it already is. That annoying machine makes me cream bloody murder. But it wakes me up.

'Beep Beep'


I dont know. It's too early in the morning for me to think that damn hard.

'Beep beep'

I don't wanna move an inch. My body and mind is not allowing it! I need my beauty sleep.

'Beep Beep'

I grab a pillow and smash it against my ears trying to block out that annoying technology.

'Beep Beep'

"Oh for crying out loud!" I scream and hit the alarm clock knocking it off my bedside table and i heard a crack and.
.. silence.

Wow! Why didn't i think of that before?



Please tell me this is not happening! God no i can't handle this right now. I need my sleep. It's on the damn floor.
I'm in my bed.
I have to get out of my fluffy cocoon.i know. Sad.

I don't want to go to work. Not yet.
I have to go to work.

I can't believe this is happening right now. I scramble up from my bed and reach out to my phone on my bedside table to look at the time and..


This is so not my day. I'm on the floor. And i fell on that cracked yet still living ex-alarm clock, ceasing its cry once and for all. Now it looks like a buffalo fell on it and crushed it. Oh wait. It actually did. Me.


I quickly scramble up and grab my phone and checked the time.


I'm officially screwed.
It's 7:36 already and i have to get to work at 8.
I gotta hurry or im gonna get fired!

Yeah this has happened to me a bit more than you think. I love my bed. I'm completely devoted to my bed.

"But do u want to be jobless?" My inner voice said.


I quickly strip and jump into the shower and brush my teeth at the same time. Yeah,people! I can multitask. Heehees.
Now's not the time for jokes.

I think.

I quickly rinse off and jump out of the shower wrapped in a towel and get to work.

I grab some things from my closet and look myself up in the mirror. A simple white off the shoulder t- shirt and black jeans which has cute little rips at the knees.


Now goes my hair.

I quickly struggle to get my long thick black hair to a simple ponytail and apply some mascara and lipgloss and fly out the door by grabbing my shoes and car keys and shuts the door,locking it.

Then something incredible happened. Yeah its sarcasm,people . My keys gets jammed in the keyhole.
Of all the days my keys had the opportunity to pull that off, it chose today.

Well, you know what? Fuck it.

I leave it be and runs down the stairs taking it three at a time . By the time I'm in the parking lot, its 7:45.


I'm dead. That bitch is gonna fry me alive.I'm sure of it.
Yeah. My boss is one hell of a bitch. I work part time in a coffee shop. I make coffee. I serve coffee. And i sometimes helps in the kitchen making pastries. Its actually fun!

But not her.

I get into my small red bug and swerved into the busy road and speeds down the lane making my bug squeal and make some scary weird noises a car could make.

Holy big noodles!

"Don't you dare do any shit that could get me later than i already am, girl! I have to make it!"
i scream into the steering wheel patting my bug's dashboard trying to calm it down.
I know. I'm patting a lifeless thing. But i don't care. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

I grab my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and check at the time and i swear, if this was a cartoon, my eyes would have been rolling on the floor by now. Its 7: 54 already! I have five more blocks to cover!

"Come on, come on!!" I git the gas pedal more and the beetle shoots into the road and i can hear so many colourful words and horns hurled in my way.

But i have no time.
I get to a part where i would have to take a sharp left turn and thats when shit hit the fan.

And it was all in slow motion.

There was i, my eyes empty as my eyeballs were rolling on the floor, my hands clutching the steering wheel for dear life and a JAM!

I was hurled out of my seat and my head hit the steering wheel.


And no i didn't pass out.
But it hurts like a bitch, though.
Thank goodness i wore my seatbelt.

And the sight infront of my was sobering enough for the pain in my forehead fade a little.

I crashed into a car.

A very very expensive car, at that.

Hello, my noodles! Did you like my first chapter?? :D
Well, i hope you did!❤
I could really use your supports, loves! Hit that yellow button and make my day!

Oooh! And don't forget to comment ;)
I could really use your openions on my story ❤

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