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Guys! Im so sorry to put an A/N at the beginning of the chapter but i have no choice. I'm so sorry that i had to take down this chapter earlier . Well, the reason was that the chapter wasn't complete. No, not like what you're thinking. I completedit and published it--but it was not shown in my published one. I know I'm confusing you guys and im sorry! I took care of it, guys! That'swhat counts!


Haha bye! Happy reading!

Violet's POV

Saying i was fucked would be a major understatement of the decade.
I've had some shit to deal with in the past years, but this?

This is going to be bad.

Very very bad.

I got out of the bug painfully slowly and made my way towards the wrecked range rower and cringed at the sight infront of me.

I don't think i can handle with this kind of shit right now. I already have no money. Not for this damage anyways. Maybe i could ask my dad. But i don't want to. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of making him think that i owe him.


Oh, and let's just add the fact that i may be even jobless now. It's 8:03 by the way.

The front glass is completely shattered. I could see a very massive dent in the front.

And i froze.

There was a man behind the steering wheel. He was sitting though. Not dead.

Thank god!

I was going to check if he has any injuries But he was looking at me.
No not looking. He was glaring at me like i killed his baby!

Oh maybe i did. I did crash into his baby though. Doesn't guys love cars more than their girlfriends? I think so.
He had a huge gash on his forehead flowing with blood and a huge scar that was beginning to heal right on his left cheek.

Scary much?

That's not what made my blood run cold, though. He had a gun.

Pointed at me.

I was frozen with shock and horror.
What?! Gun? Where did he get a gun from? Does he have a license for a gun?!


But I couldn't move. He pulled the safety off.

Still i couldn't move.

Move!! My subconscious snarled at me again  causing my body to react a bit as i crouched as he sent a gunshot that would have hit square on my forehead.

Holy shit.

I don't want to die!  I want to live!i have so many things left to do before i die!
I am not going to die!

And why was he trying to kill me? What did i do?!
Aside from the fact that you wrecked his awefully expensive car to a garage sale worthy pieces?" My inner voice asked .


But that is no reason to kill someone!

Or is it?

I don't know! I don't go around killing people!

Is that alarm bells that i keep hearing in my head? -

That's when i noticed that people were clustered around the complete wreck. And everyone heard the gunshot being fired and there was screams of horror and terrified cries from everywhere.

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