A small talk

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Jerome's pov

We got home all I could do is look at Mitch on our way home, we walk in and Mitch runs upstairs I sighed Maybe holding his hand was too much...

I walk upstairs to our room and see Mitch crying on his bed I walk up to him and hug him from behind "Mitch what's wrong?.." I said Mitch huffed and pushed me off and made a ice barrier "leave me alone!!" He screamed I sighed and sat next to him putting my hand on the ice "biggums.. Please what did I do? If I did anything then I'm sorry Mitch.." Mitch looked at me with an angry look "what do you mean!!! I fucking love you and you fucking hold my hand!!!!" Mitch screamed making the house start to snow "Mitch please calm down.. I- I love you too" I whispered putting both of my hands on the ice.

Mitch looked up and made the ice go away "y-you do?" I nodded as I brought him into a hug Mitch whimpered And pushed me away "Jerome I love you.. But what if I hurt you.. Or worse.. I would never live with my self" I sighed and hugged Mitch tighter "oh baby.. I know you can can control them.. I love you... I love you Mitch" I said bringing his face to mine seeing his light blue eyes with tears still falling i leaned in and kissed him.

Mitch tenses up but he soon kisses back "J-Jerome.."

"No I don't want to hear it, we can take this as slow as you want"

"You sure Jerome"

"I'm sure or I wouldn't be a trustworthy bacca if I was lying we can talk it as slow as you can, I trust you Mitch I know if you ever hurt me I know you didn't mean it" I said hugging him tightly.

"J-Jerome.. Promise me you won't leave me.. No matter what" Mitch whimpered. I brought him face back to mine "baby I promise to never Leave your side" I said kissing him again "hey babe lets go where going to be late" I said kissing Mitch's cheek making him blush red.

"Ok Jerome "

"By the way Mitch mind getting rid of the snow we don't want the house covered in snow when we come back" I said with a smile Mitch chuckled and rose his hands up and made te snow disappear "k Jerome lets go I'm really excited to go ice skating!!"

Mitch's pov

Jerome smile always makes me feels better "alright Mitch lets go" Jerome said grabbing my hand and run out the door "hey Jerome piggy back ride!!" I screamed getting on top if Jerome grabbing some of Jerome's fur "fine but only because were late" Jerome said giggling as we run out and head for the castle.

When we get there we see all our friends there as queen Elsa and princess Anna come out.

"Welcome everyone to the last day of summer!!" Elsa Said making everyone cheer she gave her heartwarming smile she stepped up and I could see her amazing light blue dress I always thought she was cute but Jerome was always cuter.

She raised her hands up I could see the magic form so elegantly not like me.. she shoots her magic she made the coart around us turn into ice I smiled remembering the good times i had with Jerome when we where little.

Elsa came down Giving everyone Skates she stopped at me and Jerome with a smile "Im glad you came, why don't we come inside so we can talk you can bring Jerome too i know hes like your pillow" She said i nodded and we both walked inside.

We sat in a small table and i took a deep shaky breath.

"Calm down" Jerome whispered as he held my hand i nodded and i could hear Elsa Giggle i looked up and she sat down next to us "Are you guys dating, because i have to admit you two are so adorable together" i could feel the blush start to come i look at Jerome hes so lucky to have that fur to cover his blush.

"Umm ya where a couple.." Jerome said proudly and i nodded.

Elsa giggled and clapped her hands its kinda wired to see her playfully girly side of her "That is sooo cute!!" she squeaked making me and Jerome laugh "So Mitch hows your family?" she asked, well that killed me on the inside making me look down.

"Oh your Majesty.. Mitch's mom died when he was 5" Jerome said

"Oh I'm very sorry Mitch" Elsa said i kept on looking down.

"And his dad hated him and started to abuse him and tell him that his powers where dangerous.. me and my mom came in as he was telling Mitch that he would kill me" Jerome kept on saying.

Elsa got up from her chair and came over to hug me, i gasped and i felt the tears start to flow "Mitch I'm going to tell you what they told me when i was little:

Listen to me Mitch, your powers will only grow.

There is beauty in it..

But there is also great danger!

You must learn to control it.

Fear will be your enemy.

"so Mitch I'm telling you the same but as long as you have Jerome by your side your love is stronger then anything just like my love for my sister.. i would do anything for her protect her with my life" Elsa said i looked up at her and nodded.

"Thank you" I said hugging back Elsa.

"No Problem but if you ever need to vent out or you want to talk to me, you and Jerome are always welcomed"

Me and Jerome looked at each other with a smile.

"Thank you so much Elsa"

i felt a bit better knowing i became Friends with the queen of Arendelle this day was getting better but we still have to go out and go skating.



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