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A/N: You could call this a fanfiction of a fanfiction, but it isn't. It's basically a remake of Do You Want A Christmas Drink? because I have to admit that there was something about it that I just wasn't getting. And I don't know what. XD Anywho, this remake is modern day, like the last, and set in the same as the last. If you didn't read that one, I mean it's basically in New York. Enjoy!

The Prezi had to look like God made it.

If God didn't make it, no one hundred percent.

And he needed that one hundred percent more than a drug addict needing his fix.

So yes, he was going to pray so hard as well as type the living daylights out of his fingers.

"Hey, Buddy. What do you think of this part?" Paul asked, hardly even looking at the screen. He was only looking from the corner of his eye, like looking away from the laptop would destroy his whole process.

"It's perfect. Don't kill yourself over this thing—"

"I have to! I can't afford not to get an A in this class and then go around telling kids, 'You've got to get an A, it's important to get an A'!"

"Well . . . You honestly could. I mean, Mr Robinson sucks as a professor. I doubt he got an A in anything."

Paul merely scowled and looked at his laptop again.

"I'm just trying to make you feel better! I'm your friend! Your—"

"Don't say buddy, Buddy."

The elder sighed and turned back to his own laptop, scrolling through article upon article on that they collected over the semester.

Final exams should never be made into a presentation. Never.

A thud reverberated through the library, causing them to look up. No one should be there except themselves and the librarian, who still periodically gave them the stink eye for staying after hours.

"Who do you think it is?" Buddy asked Paul, focus away from the project entirely. It wasn't like he wanted to be here this late anyway. Any distraction that came around was a perfect one to Buddy and he took it with both hands. 

"I dunno. Doesn't matter though, the librarian isn't going to be happy."

"You can say that again. Look, she's following the guy with her eyes."

Sure enough, the librarian, though reading a book, was glaring at the student while doing that. Multitasking in that way was her forte and one that she enjoyed showing to anyone that looked just slightly off to her. That happened to be any college student. 

"What's he even doing?" Paul wondered aloud. Buddy shrugged but continued to watch.

"Whatever he's doing, he seems to want that to be the last things he does. She is killing him with her eyes. I swear, I've never even seen my mom give a look like that and I've done some dumb stuff. Like, tell her I'll be one of the teachers that can live comfortably."

"Well . . . Yeah, that actually does sound kind of dumb. How did you come in with a scholarship again?"

"Bribed my way to the top, obviously. Wait . . . stay quiet, he's coming over here."

Paul finally turned around to look at Buddy. 

"You do realise you talk more than I do, right?" 

Buddy only shushed him again and turned back to the books in front of him, trying to act nonchalant even though there was no way he could be like that with his energy and frame. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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