Chapter 9

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Ash's P.O.V
"Owwwww" I yelled falling off the bed.

I stood back up covered in black soot and saw pikachu standing angrily on the bed.

"Sorry pikachu I kind of forgot to bring you with me this morning" I said apologetically as I sweat dropped.

"Pi pika"

"It won't happen again" I chuckled nervously.

All of a sudden I heard my mum yell from downstairs.

"Ash are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied.

I get back onto the bed and close my eyes slowly drifting off to a deep sleep.

*beep beep beep*
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock.

"Why is this thing even on, it's a Saturday." I say out loud.

I look over at pikachu who is peacefully sleeping and a evil grin slowly starts to grow on my face. I lift my leg up and kick him off the bed and instantly pretend to sleep.

"PIKA" the yellow mouse screams while falling from the bed.

The yellow mouse gets back up on the bed angrily with electricity coming out from its cheeks. Knowing ash wasn't actually sleeping pikachu charges up a thunderbolt and releases it on ash.

Ash falls off the bed once again and sighs.

"You can't take a joke can you pikachu."

"Pika" pikachu murmured annoyedly.

"Ok why don't we go do some training then?"

"Pika pi" pikachu made his fist into a ball in determination and hopped onto its trainers shoulders.

"Not so fast buddy, I need to get ready first."

After I had my shower and brushed my teeth I got pikachu and we went downstairs for breakfast. We finished are breakfast and said our byes to my mom and ran out to go train.

"I wonder where we should go?"

I spotted a park with lots of other trainers.

"Let's go there and battle the other trainers."

Me and pikachu went into the park only to be greeted by two guys who didn't look like they was going to give me and pikachu a friendly greeting.

They stepped in front of me and said "this is our park get lost."

Those words filled me with rage.

"How about we have a Pokemon battle."

The two boys looked at each other then looked at me and started laughing.

"Ok but once we destroy you get out of our park."

"That's if you can beat me." I replied with a smirk.

The two boys led me to a battlefield and I stood on one end while they stood on the other.

"Which one of you am I going to battle."

A smirk grew on both of there faces "both."

"2 on 1 that's not fair."

"Tough!" The two boys yelled in unison.

"Whatever I'm still going to win this." I said confidently.

One of the boys had purple hair and he spoke up saying "my name is Paul and after I beat you, you have to go around the entire park and say I'm a better trainer then you.

The other boy who wore similar clothing to me but slightly different also spoke up and said "and my name is calem and when I beat you, you have to give me your best Pokemon."

These people are really starting to annoy me but I know I won't lose "fine"

A smirk grew on there face as they threw there pokeballs up in the air.

Paul sent out an electivire and calem sent out a aegislash.

Ash smirks and sends out his two Pokemon.

"Pikachu and Hawlucha I choose you."

Pikachu jumps infront and ash throws hawluchas pokeball.

"Electivire use thunder on hawlucha."

Electivire follows Paul's orders and sends the attack towards hawlucha.

"Aegislash use shadow ball on pikachu" calem commands.

Hawlucha dodges the thunder attack and jumps to the side.

"Pikachu dodge and use quick attack."

Pikachu dodges and charges at electivire with great speed.

"Aegislash quickly intercept with kings shield."

Aegislash blocks the quick attack and protects electivire from getting hit.

"Hawlucha flying press NOW!"

"Huh?"  Paul and calem both say in confusion.

Hawlucha comes down and lands on aegislash.

"Now Pikachu use iron tail and aim aegislash towards electivire."

Pikachu hits aegislash with iron tail sending the now unconscious Pokemon flying towards electivire.

"Quickly get out the way" Paul yells but electivire isn't quick enough and gets his by aegislash.

"Now finish this with electro ball."

"Pika pika pika pika CHU PI" Pikachu sends a huge ball of electricity towards electivire knocking him into unconsciousness.

"Looks like I won, now get the hell out of this park."

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