☀ Sun ☀

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He rose shining bright with light

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He rose shining bright with light.
It was a new day for the people
down on earth.
But for him just another one awaiting for his love.

12 o'clock. "It's hot", said the people down on earth.
But they didn't knew he was burning in await of his love.

His bright light began to dim but not his love for her.
It was time to go, he didn't wanted​ to but he knew he had to, for her.

Just like any other day he left, empty handed.
Leaving behind a beautiful sight and air for his love to breath.

Leaving behind a beautiful sight and air for his love to breath

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Tada!!!!! So how was it?? Good? Bad? I know poems aren't really my forte but I tried my best. So please, please let me know what you think about it in the comment section. Other then that keep voting and sharing my weird things with your pals.

Alba 💜

Love,Alba 💜

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Awaiting LoveWhere stories live. Discover now