Chapter one

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"Mia! Mia! Get up! " I heard a soft voice whisper. I opened my eyes to see the head maid standing in the door way, her dress torn and dirty. "Oh my gosh! Sarah! " I said getting up, "What on earth happened? " I asked. "Your parents, I-I, Luke's men, they're back, and, and I-" She started to freak out, "Sarah, slow down, what happened. " I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "L-luke, his men, they're here, Mia, your parents-" before she could finish a scream echoed down the hall. "Stay here!" I yelled to Sarah while I began to run down the hall still in my night gown.

I hid around the corner and peaked my head out. It was a disaster, tables were over turned, the wood from the mantle was all over along with the ashes, the rug was torn and the corners were folded, the furniture laid about, and people a maid or cook would run through here and there.

I stepped out and called to one of the maids, "Ma'am, you cannot stay here!" She said running up to me. "Lukes here and he's lookin' for you and your family. You need to go!" She said grabbing my arms. "Oh, no." I thought looking at the ground. "Ma'am? " she asked but before she continued I was climbing my way up the stairs. "Sarah's in my room, go get her, and you guys get out of here. " I yelled down to the girl before I ran down the hall.

"Logan! " I yelled peering into every room. "Logan?" I whispered turning into his room. Clothes laid about and the closet was thrown open. "Mia?" I heard a small, shaky voice say from one of the corners. I followed the voice and found my little brother Logan, squeezed in between on of the drawers and the wall, wich he was still able to do surprisingly due to his age.

I gasped and ran over to him, he had a bruise on his cheek and he squealed when I tried to look at it. "What happened squirt?" I asked, using his baby name, somehow trying to calm him down during all of this. "One of those mean guys came here. He hit me Mia," he said looking up at me with his adorable brown eyes, "but I pushed him, blew out the candle, and hid, like daddy said to do. " he said, sounding proud. "That was brave! Good Job Loge!" I said trying to make him giggle. "But right now I'm gonna need you to come with me. " I said. "What's going on Mia? " he asked. "You know that bad guy daddy always talked about, " I waited for him to nod, "well he's here and we need to get out. " I said. "I'm scared. " he said, making my heart melt. "Loge, just stay with me and you'll be alright, you know that game we use to play when mom told us to clean out rooms? " I asked. This made him giggle, "ya, we would sneak out and try not to be seen. " he said. I ruffled his short blonde hair, "ya, squirt, it's just like that. " I said. "Ok." He looked up at me and smiled. "You've got this. " I said before grabbing his hand to guide him out the room.

"Mia, what if we get seen? " he asked. "Shhh, not now. " I whispered, praying none of the men could here him. We jumped down the step and around one of the corners. "Huh! " I gasped, as one of the men walked around the corner and saw us. "Hey! " he yelled, pulling out his sword. I looked around and saw my Dads sword above the mantle, that had somehow manage not to fall down. I pulled Logan over to in and pulled in down into my hands. "Stay here. " I said and pulled his hand in front of his eyes. "OK. " he said, his voice sounding scared again.

I walked up to the man, "You better back off me and my family. " I threatened pulling the sword up to my waist. "Oh, we're already half way done. Its only you and that tiny thing thing we have to deal with." He said, my anger flared up I charged twords him, swinging my sword. He luckily blocked my blow and pushed twords me. I slid his sword down making it out of the range to hit me and I slashed my sword twords his face. "Ah!" He grunted and turned away grabbing his cheek. I kicked him to the ground and his sword flew out if his hand. When he looked up at me I saw that I'd made a cut across his cheek. Now instead his confidence was replaced by fear.

I knew the man wouldn't fight back without his sword and now he realised that I has been trained in sword fighting. So instead I turned back twords Logan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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