4. Smiten away !

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Vidyut Jamwal as Ajay Shakthivel!

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely souls who respect others and also who holds self-respect.


Chapter 4

Siya's pov :

I entered my office enthusiastically ahead for a great day, but there was an unusual semblance, that place was as silent as grave even though filled with many employees.

I greeted Madhu but she just nodded in response, Priya sighed and waved her hands at me. That was something very unreal.

"What happened? " I asked my colleagues but no response.

"Could somebody tell me what's happening here for God's sake... " I yelled without patience.

"Actually... Siya, someone bought our paper overnight and today we have to meet our new boss. We have heard that our new boss will boot us out if our work is unsatisfactory. " I was taken aback by her statement.


I gave a perplexed look to my chums and went to my cubicle, I felt a sort of restlessness not because I may lose my job but because of the current scenario. What was the necessity for our old boss to sell this paper? I mean after all our daily was not a low-hanging fruit.

There entered a man in his formal white button up shirt, I raised my eyebrow and drank his view. He looked utterly professional and quite smart.

Finally, there came my new boss!

" Good morning everyone , I am Karthi Krishna and our boss's personal assistant. He'll be coming here shortly. I would like to tell you all that, you people are not gonna be fired.

Congratulations! We checked all your records and they are perfect. So get back to work, boss don't like their employees wasting office time." he told us with a straight face and walked pass us to the editor room. We looked at each other's face before resuming work.

So... We are yet to meet our boss, The mystery man!

I was searching for a file, Sham came and stood in front of me. I didn't allege a word but took long deep breaths to control my temper.

That idiot left me all alone to deal with a bloody stray dog and got a audacity to face me then. The funniest part was, he proposed me once, how would a girl trust and marry someone who leaves her hand at the time of storm?

" Siya... I am sorr-" he started but I cut him off.

"Just shut the hell up and get lost Sham. I don't wanna see your face. " I told him while searching the file without sparing a look at him.

"Siya... Please listen to me once. " he pleaded and I really got furious which drew other's attention to my cubicle.

I didn't get angry often but if I got pissed then people around me should be carefull. I stood up and asked him to leave but he kept on giving me explanations.

Oh my, didn't he have any self-respect?

He was giving me some sick reasons of how he was scared of dogs....
really it started irritating me.

" Why don't you just understand and leave me alone. " I threw the penstand on my table out of frustration. It hit someone who was standing in a quite distance from us. All my colleagues gasp and their jaw dropped. Mr. Karthi came running out and gave me a 'Are you serious' look.

I saw a Greek God in his own glory, he wore a black suit with white shirt, he was around 6'0 foot and got a well built body. He took dangerously slow steps and stood in front of me.

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