43. Giving In Finally!

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This chapter is dedicated to my lovely readers.


Chapter 43

Siya's POV:

Ariya crawled to us slowly and laid down on Arjun's chest along with me. Her eyes were stooping, my baby was feeling sleepy. After all she enjoyed a lot today and also tired. I kissed her nose which was so close to me while Arjun kissed her head and told me "Shall we go Siya, Ari is sleepy."

I nodded my head and about to get up but he pulled me close and looked straight into my eyes. " But I don't wanna go back home baby, I wanna hold you like this all life." He told with so much sincerity making butterflies dance in my tummy.

Did he just called me BABY! From when did he became romantic?

I laid back on his chest and started breathing the air around me, enjoying the climate in beach with my husband. After few minutes we got up and started walking towards our car. Ari was asleep and he held her while I held his other hand to walk in the impossible sand which was difficult as well as delightful to lodge your feet into it. On the other hand I felt very comfortable holding Arjun's hand.

I sat on the passenger seat whilst he gave Ari to me and occupied the driver seat. Dropping the glass window, I saw the beach longingly. I could see Arjun, Ari and I playing happily there, this was the best day in my life.

I sighed in relief and turned towards Arjun, he was busy reversing the car. Suddenly something urged me to kiss him and I did. It was a quick peck on his cheek.

He looked at me shocked, "Arjun this is one of the best day of my life, you know how much I enjoyed after so long. Thank you." I thanked him whole heartedly. He gave me a heart warming smile stopping the earth and ceasing everything around me.

He started reducing the distance between us and I was so lost in him to coherent his intensions. His face was just inches apart when we heard a horn. He banged the steering wheel with the curse and gave a deadly glare at the intruder making me chuckle.

He started driving, in the time I made sure Ari is comfortable in my arms. I need to give her a bath tomorrow she's very tired right now. All on a sudden Arjun pulled the brake and I was jerked front due to the force but thank god my baby is safe.

"Siyaaa.... Are you ok? " Arjun panicked and hugged me. I nodded my head and looked front. There were few men with kniefs and guns glaring at us. My breath hitched and I gave a dreadful look to Arjun.

One of the men gestured us to come out, my body started shaking badly " Whatever happens.. You are not stepping out. Am I clear?" Asked Arjun to which I nodded my head dreadfully.

Arjun opened his door and was about to step out but I held his hand. "Arjun don't go please.. They look so dangerous."

"I will not let anything happen to you both." He told me and stepped out without turning his back. "What if something happens to you?" I told this to the closed door, he was fast.

A deadly silence was prevailing around me all I could hear was the soft snores of my peaceful sleeping baby unaware of our situation. My eyes pooled when Arjun stood in front of them. A bulky man started walking towards our car but the next second I found him flying in the air. My pulsation stopped when I heard a gunshot my eyes started searching for my Arjun immediately. He backlashed the man and his gun fell down before another could take the gun, Arjun lunged him to death. Tears ran down my cheeks all I did was praying for my husband.

God please!

One after the other everyone fell on the ground. Arjun got into the car and hugged me tight. I didn't want to let him go but for now I need to leave this place so I didn't abject when Arjun left me and ignited the engine.

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