13. Melting..,Meeting Him!

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  This chapter is dedicated to @a_sweet_present @aj-pandabear @Redheartt
Their answers were very true and catchy.


Chapter 13

Siya's pov :

               That's something I felt for the past twelve days.... He said he won't text or talk with me for ten days but it's been twelve days 5 hours and 21 minutes but he didn't talk to me nor bothered to give me a text.

                However daddy advised me a lot the other day, I still couldn't divert my mind. All the negative thoughts were running in my mind.

What if he forgot me?

What if he left the country once for all?

What if something happened to him?

            These thoughts freaked the hell out of me. To my dad's suspicion, I locked myself in my room most of the times and talked very less with him. I know he is worried, I tried to change me but I FEEL LOST.

    My brain went numb and I couldn't think about my dad or surroundings except him. I have sent 1973 messages till now but guess what? No reply. My eyes started watering again.

Where are you Arjun? Are you OK?

       Yesterday, I had a bad dream about someone stabbing Arjun and I didn't sleep the whole night practically. Where are you?

     It was 6:00 in the evening and I decided to go down. I found a note in my kitchen it's from my dad, he went out for an important work. He seemed worried the past few days like fighting an inner turmoil.  One night I was wide awake but closed my eyes abruptly when I found my dad coming into my room. He sat beside me and started to caress my hair, I wondered why? but slept within seconds because of his wordless fatherly warmth.

    My dad is world's best!

      I felt my stomach growling so decided to have some Milo. I took my Milo and sat on my couch just when I heard a heavy sound and a baby cry.

     I kept my mug on the table and ran outside to find a tiny cute creature crying.. Oh my God, she has got herself under a heavy bureau. I rushed to her and helped her get out of it.

      I saw her face and my heart melted... She just reached my knee so I bent to her height, she has got creamy white skin, pink lips , big dove eyes filled with tears and a button nose red and sniffing. I hugged her immediately to console her and also to seek relief for my trembling heart, her tiny hands went around my neck.

          I carried her in my arms and kissed her nose. I looked at my surroundings and found no one except that bloody furniture which fell on this angel.

          "Baby! What's your name? " I asked her but she didn't answer instead buried her face in my neck. I rubbed her back and tried to talk again.

         "Baby! Why are you here? Where is your mom? " I think asked a wrong question when she started crying terribly.

       "Mamma..... Ma... Ma.... Momma... (Cries) " she cried turing her face hot.

      I wiped her tears and asked her again " Baby... Don't cry, tell me where is your home? " how can someone be so irresponsible to leave a child like this all alone?

           She showed me her house pointing her baby fingers at my neighbour's...  Oh, she is the one shifted her.

      I carried her and went to her house, the door was ajar and I found a lady lying unconscious on the floor. I rushed to her along with the baby and she started to cry more looking at her mom, I think.

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