Bringing in the Characters

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AN: All Characters belonging to the HTTYD franchise belong to Dreamworks and Cressida Cowell.

Gobber hobbled out onto the dock to greet Stoick. The lone ship that had returned had been heavily damaged, and many of the faces on it looked downcast. the blacksmith grunted as he made his way up to his old friend. 

"I trust you found the nest at least," he started, trying to sound upbeat.

"Not even close," Stoick grumbled. 

"Ah." Suddenly, a golden strand wound it's way around the two, effectively capturing them. The two had no idea what was going on, especially when the strand cut a rift in the air in front of them, and tossed the two in, before going after the shocked villagers on the dock.


Up in the air, Hiccup and Toothless just made their way through a maze of rocky spire successfully, and Hiccup pumped his fists into the air...

...then they flew into a rift that appeared in front of them.


The other teens were laughing in the Great Hall.

Tuffnut said, "Hiccup's definitely going to win Dragon Training," much to the distaste of one blond female  warrior. (not Ruffnut)

The floor suddenly opened up from underneath them, and all the vikings in the Great Hall fell in.


Hiccup blinked slowly, finding himself in a strange room. In front of him was a large flat surface, and he was in the middle of rows of...very comfy chairs? He noticed he was wearing his flying gear, and whipped his head around to look for his scaled friend. 

"Toothless is fine, HIccup," a voice said. Hiccup quickly turned around to see a girl sitting in one of the seats. She wore strange clothing, consisting of black leggings, and a black skirt. It was not like the one Astrid wore, it was very flowy, and would not serve well in a battle. She also wore a grey longsleeve shirt with blue letters on it. The letters read "RAVENCLAW", and on the left sleeve was a crest of a bird in blue and silver detail. She kept her long brown and purple tipped hair in a high ponytail, and had black lipstick on her lips. (AN: sorry for the long description. I like clothes and fashion, so you might have to stick with my long clothing descriptions. Also, Ravenclaws unite!)

"What? How do you know about Toothless?" Then her words sunk in. "How do you know our names?"

She snorted. "How does anyone not know your names." She flipped her wavy hair and stood up and offered her hand out to the boy. "Anyway, I'm Midnight. welcome to my house." 

"Are we going to shake or not?" Midnight said after a few moments of silence and no movement.

"Oh, sorry," Hiccup said and shook the girl's' hand.

"Anyway, welcome to my house. I'm sorry for pulling you here out of your lovely flight. But i was bored, and doing this is a lot more fun than studying for finals. 'Sides, I already finished studying, and Daylight finished her AP test." Midnight tilted her head upward, and yelled, "You good up there girl?" Another female voice yelled back. "All good! No, Toothless stay in the rafters for now!"

Hiccup look up, and saw a girl about Midnight's age blocking Toothless from jumping down to Hiccup. She had shorter straight black hair, and wore white shorts, and a patterned flowy blue top. She wore no make up, and was clearly very strong. 

Toothless finally broke out of her grasp, and jumped down to land next to his rider. He wrapped his tail around him protectively, glancing towards the back of the theater. Hiccup followed the night fury's gaze and found that nearly all of Berk lay in various rows. He yelped, and tried to push Toothless away so he could hide from the burly vikings, but toothless only wrapped his wings around him tighter, effectively blocking him from anyones view. 

"Whoops," Daylight voiced, seeing as the vikings were coming to, and seeing a dragon in front of them could be quite dangerous for the dragon's health. 


"Mid! I tried! One can't just restrain dragons, you know that!"

Midnights sighed, "Oh well," and snapped her fingers. Up in the rafters, every weapon the vikings had on themselves appeared in a neat pile by Daylight, tied together with golden ribbons. 

Stoick woke first. He looked around and his blood immediately began to boil when he saw A strange girl standing next to a black dragon. He reached for his axe to throw at the dragon, but found it missing. "Hey!" he exclaimed. The vikings woke quickly after that. The strange girl snapped her fingers and the dragon disappeared.

The villagers began to talk to each other, and the noise in the room began to escalate. Another girl appeared next to the first, and stoick saw her holding his son's arm. SHe didn't appear to be hurting him, but... he gave a yell and began to charge towards her. The one holding Hiccup's arm gave a piercing whistle, making him stop in his tracks. Literally. He was stuck in a running position, and could not move a muscle. The first girl began to speak.

"So, let's get started. I'm Midnight, and this is Daylight," she said, gesturing to the other girl who waved at the vikings. "You have brought here to observe...wait for it... the future!" The vikings would have burst into murmurs, but their lips were also stuck. "Three years into the future, and will be starring our favorite teens, Fishlegs, the twins, Snotlout, Astrid, and Hiccup. And Heather, but you haven't met her yet. So, what you need to know: The war with dragons are over! I won't say how, or who was responsible, because it's much more fun watching people struggle to figure things out."

"Mid! don't be mean!" Daylight exclaimed.

"Day, don't look at me like that. You know you want to do it this way just as much as I do. We're basically the same person!"

Daylight sniffed. "Fine. You do know me that well. Why aren't you my actual sister? How bout we trade. Your parents get my little sister, and we get you?"

"Oh, yes please. But back on topic. The future. Pick a seat, any seat, and I will be inviting some dragons in to watch this as well. No maiming them, or I maim you. Good? Good." She snapped once more and a Nadder, a Nightmare, a Gronkle, and a Zippleback appeared on the opposite side of the theater. A golden line appeared on the floor, separating the vikings from the dragons. "More will appear as we go on. Day, you mind unfreezing them?" Daylight rolled her eyes, and everyone was suddenly free. Stoick, who had been moving very fast beforehand, continued forward, his momentum propelling him. he crashed next to a surprised Hiccup. He stood up, and noticed what his son was wearing. It was not his usual fur vest, but a leather something. He was about to ask about it, but Daylight, grabbed his hand, and dragged him along, saying, "Come on. You can sit up in the rafter next to us and Toothless."

The flat surface in front of him flickered with light, and the vikings turned their attention towards it.

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