Dragon Eye of the Beholder part 2

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AN: I am SO sorry for not updating sooner. I was busy all summer with volunteer work, and I had to help film a documentary in China, and the Great Firewall wasn't making anything any easier. I have a lot of homework know that I'm back in highschool, but I swear, I will try my best to update regularly. Enjoy!

The Vikings got up, and began to move around, talking about the events that they had been shown. Stoick, looking around the room, didn't see his son, who he very much wanted to talk to at the moment. He started moving towards the two girls, who were hunched over a small glowing rectangular box (it's a phone) squealing silently. As he drew closer, he began to hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

"Day, you see, we are missing so much here. We have to watch the next season ASAP. You're heading out of the country, and we can't not watch a show about twins without each other. I mean, how could we?"

"True, true. What are we going to do next?"

"Ooohhh! SO as you know, I am a mega multi-fandom fangirl, and--"Midnight broke off, looking up at Stoick. "Can I help you?"

The Chief nodded and began to ask, "I was wondering if--"

Midnight interrupted. "I'm gonna stop you right there. Hiccup will join the rest of the audience when he feels that he can trust you guys to not harm Toothless." She turned to Daylight. "He could just sit with the other dragons. They like him." The black haired girl nodded. 

"He will come down, probably sometime in the next episode, so don't ask him to come down when he is not ready." Daylight voiced. "Okay? Okay." She turned to  Midnight. "Serious question. No joking around. When can we bring in the food?"


The vikings settled back into their seats. The villagers were anxious to learn what had happened in the past, and to learn what will happen in the future. The teens were ready to see themselves in action, and Hiccup, well, he was ready to get down from the rafters. Into the dragon's side, not Berk's. Not yet. 

The Riders, still in the heavily tilting cage on the sinking Reaper: Get us out of here! Hiccup! Get us out of here!

Dagur [laughing]: Isn't this exciting? What will he choose, ladies and gentlemen? saving his friends of capturing his mortal enemy, his own brother? [Hiccup and Toothless turn to rescue the riders, leaving Dagur] Hmm. Disappointing, but oh, so typically Hiccup.

"One more time, how does Dagur know what is typically Hiccup?" Gobber inquired.

Riders: Get us out of here! Hiccup, help!

"I could bust us out!" Snotlout cried.

"So why are you asking for help?" Astrid shot back. Snotlout sunk into his seat and the twins laughed at his misfortune.

Hiccup: Move back from the door! Toothless, plasma blast. [Toothless fires, but the doors don't burn]

Fishlegs: [panicked] Dragon proof bars? [interested] Oh, fascinating.

Stoick couldn't help but wonder, who created this metal, and how would they be able to use it in the war against the dragons. Then he felt a strange sensation at the back of his neck and turned around. Above  him, in the rafters, the two girls shook their head, like don't even think about it. 

Hiccup: Whoever built this ship knew what they were doing. [the boat tilts even more so] Whoa! 

Snotlout: Oh, you know what would be more fascinating? Getting us out of here!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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