Dragon Eye of the Beholder Part 1

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The vikings settled down as pictures began to move across the scene.

[in an Outcast prison]Guard 1:[grunting] Meal time, maggots.

"Isn't that an Outcast?" someone asked. "Yep," Midnight replied from her rafter, where she had been painting her nails and where Hiccup was leaning against Toothless. Daylight had a sketchpad in her hands and a pencil in her mouth. She showed the sketch to Midnight who without looking at it told her, "If it's a fashion design, elongate the neck and legs and arms, and make the fingers skinner, the waist as well. If it's actually drawing, why are asking me? You're the better artist. I'm the better fashion designer." She put the final touches of top coat on her nails, and admired them.

"You're so vain, Mid." Daylight told her. Midnight only shrugged

Prisoner: Over here! [men groaning] [the guard pauses, then tosses something into a cell.]

An Outcast in the next cell: But that's not bread! Why does he always get special treatment? Oh, Mr. Big Shot! Mr. Berserker Chief.

The man comes into the light, revealing it to be Dagur.

"Isn't that Oswald the Agreeable's son Dagur?" Stoick asked.

"Yep. "

"And if he's chief, then Oswald has died?"

"No comment."

Dagur: Oh, hey, you want some? Come here, I'll give you some.

Hiccup snorts. "I don't buy that."

[Outcast reaches for it but Dagur grabs onto his arm] Dagur: Oh! I've been meaning to tell you something for the last three years. Your voice is really annoying!

He knocks the guy out. [cracks neck] Gosh, that feels good. He unfolds the cloth he held, revealing a key. [laughs]

"Who gave him a key?" someone asked.

"The better question is why is he in jail?" Fishlegs states.

"Probably for murder," Ruffnut says from her seat besides Astrid.

An Outcast guard is suddenly pulled out of sight.

Guard 2: Oh! A woolly igloo? [chuckling] Where'd you hear that? [The two are knocked out]

"Awww... I wanted to hear that!" the twins exclaimed.

[Dagur is seen walking away] Guard: He's escaped! Dagur's got out! [Dagur groans] Sound the alarm [guards all shouting]

Dagur: Oh, goody. A challenge! [screams and charges]

Prisoners: Get him Dagur! Show 'em who's boss!

Guard 3: Oh, that's not good

Dagur: [laughs] Ooh! [He steps on the guard to get by him. He approaches a guard at the door, who cowers in fear]

Guard 4: No, no, Dagur, don't! I'm the one that gave you the key

Dagur: Which makes you a traitor. [He punches the Guard] I hate traitors. [He opens the door and steps outside and says to himself] It's a new day, Hiccup.

"Hiccup??" Gobber asked? "What did he do to Dagur to make him so against the fishbone." Gobber looked around. "Where is that boy anyways?"

Dagur cont.[laughs] Hope you're well rested.

We hear roaring, and see a boy of about eighteen on a black dragon.

"That boy is on a dragon! He is a traitor to all vikings!" the villagers started yelling.

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