Chapter 2

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Marien's pov

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Marien's pov.

I heard the wolves getting closer, which in turn caused me to run faster. However that was hard to do when my little sister was barely able to stand, practically falling over as we ran from the three wolves that were chasing us. I was no longer holding onto her, but she was falling behind again.

"Lanie run faster!" I yelled, looking back at her.

"I cant!"she cried, running a short distance behind me.

I let out a small growl, running over to her. "Yes you can! Now come on!" I grabbed her arm, and pulled her with me.

I felt Lanie stop, and shriek when she fell. It caused me to tumble onto the ground as well. I let out a frustrated breath, turning my head to look back at my sister.

"Im stuck!" She yelled. Her eyes were wide, and filled with panic as she tried to pull herself free.

I jumped onto my feet, and ran over to her cursing our luck. Her foot was caught on a damn tree root! I tried pulling her foot out but it wouldn't budge. At that point I was freaking out. Whatever was chasing us was like twenty footsteps away by now. I pulled her foot again, but still nothing.

I had no choice but to turn around and face our attackers. I got into a protective stance, shielding Lanie to the best of my ability. That's when the three wolves jumped out, before making a smooth landing a distance infront of us.

You got to admit that was pretty badass though. Ocean said.

I rolled my eyes.

I sized the wolves up, and realized that they were almost three times my size. I swallowed my fear, how the hell was I going to take them down? Doubts began to roam my mind before I pushed them back.

Easy, we're pure blooded alphas. We'll find a way. Ocean smirked. I mirrored her smirk. She was right, this was going to be easy.

"What brings you to my land rogue?" The man with the brown hair and light green/ blue eyes said.

I'm guessing he's the alpha. I thought to myself.

No shit.

Okay, I'm getting tired of your sass Ocean. I told her, getting defensive.

She scoffed a laugh, before wiggling her but at me. You'd be surprised at all the insults she throws at me, and she's in my head!

"I uh ...I.....I..." I was trying to come up with an excuse, but couldnt. Dammit Marien, the one time you actually need to lie and you can't come up with something!! Unbelievable.

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