Chapter 11

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I was following Deidara through the crowd when I suddenly was shoved. I looked over to see a guy who looked drunk mumble an apology before he walked off. I looked back to where I last saw Deidara and I realized I couldn't see him. Where did he go? I scanned the crowd but I saw no sign of him. I sighed. Just my luck. I wiped a hand at my forehead. It was hot in here and I was parched. I fought my way off the dance floor and came across a table with a punch bowl. There was an empty chair behind it but nobody was around. I shrugged and grabbed one of the stacked red cups on the end. I filled my cup with the punch and took a sip. Wow, this is delicious! I found myself drinking the whole glass. I started to refill the glass when I heard a voice. "Hey, I know this is a party but are you sure you can handle that much?" I looked up to see Hidan with a stack of plastic shot glasses in his hand. I took a couple more gulps of my punch before I said, "Yeah, I'm fine." I started to feel lightheaded. "This punch is great! What's in it?" He frowned at me. "Have you had alcohol before?" "No, why?" I looked up at him with a grin. "Because-" I didn't hear what he said because I suddenly turned away and melted into the crowd.

Hidan's POV
I set down the shot glasses I grabbed and went to go find Pain. I found him and the others still hanging out in the basement. "Hey, I think we need to find Asami." Pain looked up at me with concern. "Why?" Deidara suddenly walked into the room. "Hey, have you guys seen Asami?" "Yeah, and she just drank two whole glasses of my special punch." "What?!" Deidara and Pain both exclaimed. "Why the hell did you let her do that?!" Deidara yelled. " Hey, it's not my fault! I had left the table for a moment because we were out of shot glasses. I came back to see she was downing the stuff! She didn't seem to realize it was spiked. She's apparently never had alcohol." "This isn't good," Pain mumbled. He turned to the others. "We need to find Asami. She probably has no idea what's going on." The others nodded and we soon split up to find her.

Asami's POV
I was having the time of my life. I had made my way to the outdoor party and was dancing with the crowd. I was twirling in the spinning, colorful lights and laughing with glee. I was having so much fun that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into a muscular chest. I looked up to apologize and noticed dark eyes looking at me with concern. "Itachi?" I asked. "We need to get you home," he said. "But I'm having so much fun," I whined. "Based on how much Hidan said you drank, you're not going to be feeling good in a little bit." "I'm fine! Besides I'm having a ball." Itachi continued to stare at me and I grabbed his hand. "C'mon Itachi. You need to lighten up a little bit." I started to pull him into the center of the dance floor when I suddenly tripped. He caught me as I fell. "Are you alright?" I looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks for catching me." I could see all the swirling lights from my point of view and I started to feel nauseous as I watched them. I looked back down. "I don't feel so good." I tried to take a step but couldn't keep my balance. Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted into the air. I looked to see that Itachi was now carrying me bridal style. I put a hand to my head. "I really don't feel good." I felt the blood draining from my face. "Hold on," Itachi murmured. He started making his way through the crowd and back towards the house. I closed my eyes to help stop my head from spinning. I had put my head against his chest and caught a whiff of his cologne. He smells really good. I turned my face into his shirt and the smell seemed to help calm my stomach a little. As I concentrated on not throwing up, I heard the click of a light. I looked up to see we were in a small bathroom. The sounds of the party seemed a little far away. We must be in one of the upstairs bathrooms. Itachi set me down in front of the toilet and suddenly I couldn't hold it down any more. I started violently throwing up in the toilet. Itachi was holding my hair back and rubbing my back. When I was done, I just knelt there with my head in the crook of my elbow. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Yeah, I just need a moment." I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye. "I'll go let the others know I found you." He gently closed the door on his way out. I flushed the toilet and went over and washed my face and rinsed my mouth. I was mortified. The first real party I go to and I end up throwing up. I was even more embarrassed that Itachi saw me like that. When I was done cleaning up, I opened the door. I peeked my head out and saw Itachi talking to Pain. They both looked up when I walked over. I couldn't bring myself to look them in the eyes. "I'm taking you home," Pain said. I nodded. "Thanks." Pain started walking away and I turned to follow him. "Thanks, Itachi. Sorry about that," I mumbled as I continued to stare at my feet. "No need to apologize. I'm just glad you're ok." I looked up to see he had a gentle smile on his face. I managed a small smile in return and followed after Pain.

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