Chapter 24

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"Mm hmm..."

I hummed to the music playing through my earbuds as I layed on the couch in the PAL's office. It was a peaceful Monday afternoon. Classes were off this week to allow for a short break after mid-terms. I was idly daydreaming when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I pulled my earbuds out and looked towards the commotion.

Kurenai had a piece of paper in her hand and she was waving Asuma over. "Asuma, look at this. You know that World Hunger organization that we collected donations for? They just sent us a letter saying that they want to fly the PAL's out to Kirigakure for their celebratory ball as a thank you for all the major contributors."

Asuma stroked his beard. "I heard that representatives from the five major nations are going to be there. It's quite a big deal to be invited."

"A ball?" I questioned.

Kurenai's eyes met mine and she smiled. "That's right. The ball is Friday night and they want to fly us out late Wednesday afternoon. That will give us some time to check out the city on Thursday. Then we would fly back on Saturday."

A ball huh? It had been a little while since I had been to one. I never really liked them much when I was younger but this one was for a good cause. Then a thought struck me. "Kurenai, I don't have anything to wear for a ball."

"That's alright. We can go shopping for a dress on Thursday. We can all go tour some of the sights in the morning and then just us girls will go shopping in the afternoon."

"Tours? Dress shopping? What's going on?" Iruka walked into the room and looked at us curiously.

Asuma turned to him and said, "It looks like the PAL's are going to Kirigakure."

Time Skip

The city of Kirigakure was still covered in mist as the sun rose higher into the sky.

"Are we ready to go?" Kakashi asked the group. We all nodded in confirmation as we were getting ready to set out. Apparently the hotel we were staying at had a tour bus for hotel guests so that's what we decided to do. We weren't the only ones though so by the time we made it to the bus stop, a small group of people had formed. I knew that quite a few people who were going to the ball were staying at this hotel. I scanned the small group of people wondering if I would see any one of them tomorrow night. I stood there quietly lost in my own thoughts when the tour bus arrived. We started to file on the bus and the PAL's were the last in line. I eventually managed to get on the bus and started walking down the aisle to the back. I noticed a group of empty seats and started walking towards them. I was so focused on my goal that I didn't pay attention to where I was stepping. Suddenly, I felt my right foot catch on something. Unfortunately, I had too much forward momentum and I started to fall. I threw my hands out and closed my eyes instinctively. Right before I thought I would hit the ground, I felt a pair of warm arms catch me.

"Are you alright miss?" A deep and unfamiliar voice asked me. I opened my eyes to see a man with dark skin and pale blonde hair looking at me with concern.

"Nice catch Darui." Sitting next to the first man was a man with pale skin and honey blonde hair. I turned my eyes back to the guy who caught me.

"Thanks for catching me. I'm ok now." I got my feet under me and stood up.

"Are you ok Asami?"

I looked behind me and saw that Yamato was looking at me in concern. I nodded and turned back to the gentlemen.

I smiled at them and said, "Thanks again Mr...."

"You can call me Darui, and this is my friend Cee."

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