Conniving Snake!

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Sorry it's so late!

No prov

The boys talk with Sedusa but Butch hears the slightest movement from his room and he decides to go check on Buttercup so he excuses himself and goes upstairs.

Butch prov

As I walk up the stairs I hear hissing? When I reach my dark green door I open it and see the sleeping beauty I then walk to the edge of the bed and sit down. "Butter-" I couldn't finish because then I hand wrapped around my neck pushed my into a wall. And then my eyes go wide, "what the fuck!" The hand grips tighter as I look at Buttercup look alike with her eyes like snake eyes. Wait snake! Buttercup was talking about that must be what this thing is! "GUYS I COULD USE SOME HELP!" I yell at the top of my lungs and see my brothers burst through the doors shocked. "Take her down!"

"But Butch it's-" Boom starts.

"No it isn't take this conniving copy cat down!"

"The snake!" Sedusa screams and I knew I was right.

"That's the same snake that took on Bash's form!" Blast says angrily.

"I don't care who the fuck that thing is let's take it out Ruff style!" Brick says bringing out his swords.

"Finally some action!" Bryan says.

I then smirk and snap the fake Buttercups neck and it drops me but the thing isn't human so it gets right back up. "Damn!" I bring out my morning star. "Where is Buttercup you copy cat!" I demand.

"Hissss" it replies.

"It understands you but no one can understand it because Blade has a spell on it! If you-"

"Oh Sedusa why do you say that?" A voice as sweet as honey comes out of the wretches mouth.

"Who the hell are you!" Brick yells.

"I am mino I am the snake of two worlds!" It says bringing out a BC hammer.

"Now fight me butch you know you'd love to kill me," Mino says, "but then again I'm the only one who could tell you where your precious Buttercup is.... what will it be? Kill me and risk the life of your love? Or leave them be?

All of us stand frozen...

What do we do?

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