Where have you been

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He's back, now what?

"I've been here the whole time Cassandra." he said in his deep voice that I've missed so damn much. I couldn't even speak. What did he mean he's been here the whole time? 

I was about to speak but he interupted me "I've been her observing, waiting, I wanted to see how long you could last, if you were really commited." 

"Is this some sick game? A test? You left me here, confused, alone, with no one." I shouted at Harold.

"Well you know how twisted I am, this is nothing new love. Remember what happend to your parents? Do you really want me to bring that up again?" Harold spoke. 

"How dare you." I breathed as tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"Oh don't cry love, it was all for the best." Harold said, wiping away my tears with that twisted smirk on his face. "We were meant to be like this, Cassandra. Alone, me and you against this cruel world."

"The only thing cruel about this world is you Harold!" I shouted.

"Calm down love." He spoke, his soothing words always brought me to peace. No matter how pshycotic, twisted, and evil Harold is, like he said, we were meant to be. I knew it, he knew it. I could feel it.

"Now, why don't we do something, go out to the forrest, like we used to?" He questioned.

"Alright." I said not fully trusting him, I know what sick things he is capable of. 



"Nice choice of lingerie, you picked the right day to wear that." Harold said smirking, knowing what he was doing to me. 

I blushed abit but quickly forced myself to stop, I can't get attached to him. After all, he might leave  me again.



"I kept my promise." 

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