Sexy Mama

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"Hey Jewels, c'mere."

"Yeah whats up?

"What did you do land yourself in here?"

"I broke a cops neck, by mistake of course."

"This pretty little thing doesn't believe we're badass enough."

Jewels scoffed. "Oh honey, the only reason he kept you with him was because he knew you were the only one who couldn't kick his butt." They both stood and laughed.

"Then why don't you guys fight back? I mean if you're so strong and so are you and everyone in this room, why is he still doing these things? Kill him already so we can all go home."

"Hun do you know who he is?"

"Not really.."

Jewels and Johanna put there arms around me and took me to the same bloody corner from earlier and sat me down. "He has people," Johanna spoke with a yelling whisper. "Mr. Boss Man has men running around making sure he stays safe and doesn't get caught. They call him like ten times a day to see what the hell is going on and if there's complications, someone gets really hurt, or worse."

"Yeah its fucked up man," Jewels interrupted, "That's what this meeting is about I bet. We may run shit in here, but out there, its all him. And we can't do anything about it. Trust me we've tried." They both trailed off. "Rip Sexy Mama. We hope heaven is treating you well."

"Sexy Mama was like a mother to everyone in here. She never ate, always kept food for us. She would hide it and when he left she would give us whatever she had. She would take the blame for some stupid shit we did and take the blows on our behalf. She consoled all the kids and kept them from crying because he would hit kids who cry. She defended us when he came to punish us and that is what got her killed."

"Yeah he got pissed and was about to hit that girl Sophie right in the face." Jewels pointed at a little girl with super curly black hair and a buttoned noise with scars under her eyes. She was hugging her mother, Lillian, grabbing her leg. "But Johanna, Sexy Mama and I went up to him and told him to fuck off, that all Sophie did was drop the bottle of Clorox that he gave her to clean with. Yo he was so mad that he grabbed a bat and whacked us in the head. I could take it, so could Johanna. But Sexy Mama was too old. It killed her on impact. He burned the body and burned all of her belongings. It's as if she never existed."

"Wait a minute,"I jumped in. "He burns the bodies? What about the smell? I don't smell anything."

"You think he burns them here!" Jewels shockingly screamed. "Oh yeah, you're a fucking idiot. You know Jordan Tower? The little junk yard behind it? Yeah that's the sweet spot. Nobody's allowed in there. Mr. Boss Man and his little posse bought out the joint. Legally they can do whatever they want, unless they get caught."

"Which they won't," Johanna interrupted, "security on top of security. If they so much as hear a siren or a flash of blue and red lights, they dip; get in the car and drive away; leave the body for a couple hours and then come back to finish the deed."

"How do you all know this?"

"Sexy Mama. She's been around since the beginning man. May her soul rest in fucking peace. Lord knows what she did wasn't sinful, she didn't belong in here."

"What did she do? If you don't mind me asking..?"

"Stripper. She needed money to support her kids and then her grandkids. She never did anything bad, never slept with anyone after. But Mr. Boss had money, and he knew he was too enticing for her to ignore him. All she was gonna do was give the dirty son of a bitch a lap dance. Nothing more man, she had all her clothes on and shit. But when she turned around, he..he hit her in the head with a steal rod."

"When she got here, apparently she was half dead; bleeding out, couldn't see straight, but he healed her back to health, just to ruin her again."

"You guys I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry that's terrible. I don't understand why people have to be so sick. She seemed like a lovely women."

"She was!" Jewels yelled. "She was perfect! She took care of me man. She loved me man. She loved all of us. Bro fuck these people!"

Johanna pulled her in for a tight hug as Jewels began to cry and people gathered to watch this unfold and wondered what happened. She whispered, "You're gonna hear her name a lot around here. Even the kids, everyone knew Sexy Mama. She's a legend in these walls."

From the corner of my eye, I saw a frail woman fall to her knees and silently start crying into her hands. Sophia knelt along side her mother in hesitated comfort.

"Mommy what's wrong."
"Nothing baby," she sniffled and handed the mop back to Sophia, "here, hurry honey. You know blood stains on concrete."

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