Keep it quiet!

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I gently placed the coffee filled cup to my lips, and tilted my head back. The cup was quickly drained, and I slammed the empty cup on the little bit of open space I had on the table, beside the nine other empty cups. The rush of caffeine was unable to stop the exhausted yawn from escaping my lips.

"Y/n!" Patty's bewildered help made me jump and knock my knee in the metal table in front of me. My low groan of pain did nothing to stop her from glaring daggers at me. However, her look did nothing to stop my 'amazing' sarcasm.

"Patty!" I mocked her earlier words making her stare become colder. "Don't start with me little Holtzmann clone, it is 5 A.M. How long have you been up here tinkering?" I gave a simple shrug and a sleepy smile."About two days."

Wrong answer. "I swear! I just got Holtz to stop for a while, and now you're doing it!" "Well need to finish this prototype, I should be done soon." I quickly spun to face her. "Please? It's gonna be soooooooo bad ass!" My puppy dog eyes must have cracked her shell because a long sigh left her mouth. "Fine, but if you don't finish 'soon' I'll get someone else to get you." I spun back to the table filled with metal bits and empty coffee cups and got back to work.

20 hours later

"Y/n, hey short stack." A gentle voice broke me from my coma-like state. I could feel my back cramping and my neck attempting to kill me. "Whaaaat? It's to early for this shit... I need a nap..." I closed my eyes, but opened them curiously when the voice giggled. "You sure are cute when you're tired, but you  need to actually sleep somewhere... safe..." I slowly sat up to look at the many chemicals and random pieces of machinery scattered around me. "True." Suddenly a pair of strong arm wrap around my exhausted figure and lift me bridal style. 

"Hey! My legs work! Put me down Jillybean!" My aggravated words only made her let out a low chuckle. She glanced down at me with a look of evil swimming in her eyes. I frowned as I watched her pink lips curl upward. "Hmmm... How about no?" 

"How about yes?" I shot back.

"Nah, besides your so warm and I can do this!" She pulled me closer, and then began to spin around wildly. My arm found their way around neck, and I clung to her in fear of falling. "Holtz! I'm gonna fall!" She came to a sudden stop making me cling to her even more.

I glared at the smirk she held while looking at me. "I don't think you'll fall if you keep holding me like this, not that I'm complaining." My face heated up as I realized my position. My arms were wound around her neck, pulling her down to me slightly, and my face was nearly buried in her chest. 

"Oh... this an awkward situation..." My words made a laugh escape her plump, pink lips. She looked down at me, catching me staring, and smirked once more. "You know, there is a way to make it an awesome situation." I looked at her with a smirk matching her own. "And what is this way exactly?"

She held my stare with a twinkle in her eyes. "Well it's rather hard to explain with words." She gently set me down on a surprising clean table, and stood between my legs with her hands on either side of me, trapping me almost. 

I nodded acting as though I was thinking her words over. "Well isn't it a good thing I'm more of a hands on learner?" I let my arms hang limply around her neck. Slowly, she leaned down. I could feel her hot breath fanning out across my face, also heating it up. "That it is, maybe we should conduct an experiment?" I hummed, and looked up at the stained ceiling with a smirk still on my face. "I don't know, what kind of experiment are you thinking of Dr. Holtzmann?" 

Suddenly lips pressed against my exposed neck. "You know I love it when you call me that." She murmured against my neck. I let out a groan as she nipped and sucked on one of my sweet spots. I could feel her smirk against me, and held in a loud moan as her cool hands slipped under my shirt.

"Damn it Holtzmann! I told you to get her to stop working, not have sex with her!" Patty's voice made both of jump, but Holtz kept her hand in my shirt. "She isn't working! Besides this is so much better than sleeping!" She wrapped her arms around my disheveled figure and pulled me so I was pressed against her. Her chin rested on my shoulder as she stared at Patty.

"Well at least get out of the kitchen!" I looked around at my environment to see that we were, indeed, in the kitchen. Holtzmann must have ummm... distracted me quite a bit.

Holtz perked up and nodded excitedly. "Okay! To my room!" She quickly picked me up for the second time tonight. 

"Keep it quiet!" Patty's voice said before Jillian closed the door and smiled. "Let's get back to where we were."

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