Chapter 7

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Alexis's Pov

I saw August and Ayana sitting on the couch, talking. I smirked and went downstairs. "I see you guys getting along." I said and folded my arms looking at them. Ayana smiled and blushed. "Oh, I was just telling her how to contact me, you know, in case she needs some medical attention." August said and I chuckled. "Right, sure. Ayana, you want me to take you home?" I asked. "Oh yeah, August said he'll take me." she said and I grinned. "Right, of course he is. I feel kind of stupid for asking. So, did you talk to your parents?" I asked her. "Yes, of course. They said they wanted to thank you and that they are gonna move me out of that school." She said and I sighed. "Really? That's good. What school are you going to?" I asked and she shrugged. "Don't know yet. I should probably get going. August?" Ayana said and August got up with his keys. "Well, call me if you need anything. You can come visit me anytime." I said, grabbing her phone and putting my number in it and she smiled. "Really? I think I'll have to take you up on that offer." she said and hugged me. She pulled away. "Ok, see you around." I said and she nodded, leaving with August. I followed behind and watched them drive off. I closed the door and locked it. "Alexis. Come here." Chris yelled from upstairs. "Coming!" I yelled back and climbed the stairs. "Where are you?" I called out. "Boo!" Chris yelled as he wrapped his arms around me. I instinctively balled my fists up. "Chris! That wasn't funny." I said and he laughed. "Aw, I'm sorry baby. Did I scare you?" he asked and I looked at him he was stupid. "No, Chris. I just almost beat you up for the fun of it." I said, rolling my eyes. "You were gonna beat who up?" He said, picking me up. I yelped and giggled. "You. I was gonna beat you up." I said as he gently slammed me on the bed. He climbed on top of me. "Are you sure about that?" He asked as he kissed my lips. "Mhm." I mumbled against his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Ok then, let's fight." He said and yanked my pants off......

Several Hours Later....

I woke up laying against Chris's chest. He was still sound as asleep. I traced his tattoos, watching him sleep. I decided I would go out for awhile. I crawled out from Chris's grip and went outside. I sat down on the grass by the river. I stared at my reflection in the water. "My god, you are beautiful." Chris said in my ear. I turned around and blushed. "Really?" I asked. "More than you'll ever know. Our kids are gonna little heart breakers." he said and I laughed. "Oh, I bet. Especially our daughter." I said and he shook his head. "Nope. She's never gonna leave the house." He said and I shook my head. "Yes, she is." I said and he shook his head. "Nope, she's gonna be a boy magnet, I can already see it." he said. I laughed. "Chris, do I still have to go to school?" I asked him. "Well, yeah, but I'm coming with you tomorrow." he said and I looked at him. "Your suspension is over?" I asked and he nodded. "Was over today, but I didn't feel like going." he said and I looked at him. Really, he made me go but he should of went too. "Wow, ok. So you make me go but you get to stay home?" I asked. "Sorry, I realized after you left." he shrugged with a smile and I rolled my eyes. "Mhm." I said sarcastically. "Hey, I love you." He said kissing my earlobe. "I love you more." I said back, caressing the back of his hand. "I want to take you somewhere." he said. "Where?" I asked. "Come on, I'll race you there." he said standing up and turning to his wolf form. I followed suit and waited for his signal. "Go." he yelled and we took off. I ran closely behind him as we zipped through the woods. "Come on, slowpoke." Chris said. "Ha, you wish." I said, running slightly faster. I ended up next to him and we looked at each other. "Ha, think you could beat me?" Chris said. "I know it." I smirked and ran in front of him. Suddenly, I felt nauseous. I stopped and got on my knees. Chris looked at me and immediately went beside me. "You ok?" He asked and I shook my head. "What's wrong?" He asked. Before I could say anything, I just vomited. I coughed violently as my rolled back a little bit. "Alexis, what's wrong?" Chris asked frantically, coming over to me. Words got stuck in my throat and I feel my rage increasing. "Chris, help me." I choked out. He lifted me up and ran as fast as he could. My eyes closed and slowly, everything I heard faded to silence.

Chris's Pov

"Alexis, come on, wake up." I begged as I kicked the door open to the warehouse. I found a table and laid her across it. "Come on, baby, wake up." I said, lightly, tapping her face. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. "Chris? Where are we?" She asked. " A warehouse I found." I told her and her eyes suddenly changed color. Her fangs grew out and she growled. "What is it?" I asked and she shook her head. "I don't know." she said, hopping off the table. She sniffed around, looking around the basically empty warehouse. She walked over to a corner. "There's something here, I can smell it." She said. She threw some things aside and her eyes widened. "What? Alexis, what do you see?" I asked and walked closer. There was a little girl, bleeding like crazy from her neck. "We have to save her Chris." Alexis said and grabbed the little girl, carrying her in her arms. "Where's you mommy, sweetie?" Alexis asked. "Mommy left me." she cried. We ran back to the cabin and laid the little girl on the couch. "What's your name?" I asked as Alexis went to find a first aid kit. "Mystic." the little girl said, sniffling. "What happened?" I asked. "My mommy brought me to this man and he cut my neck and it hurt real bad and they left me by myself. I was scared and then you guys came. Are you gonna hurt me too?" she whispered, fearfully. "No, of course not," I shook my head. "We just want to help you, okay?" I said and she nodded. She looked up at me. Her eyes were a bright blue color. She must be a vampire. Suddenly, her eyes switched to a color similar to Alexis's. "I don't feel good." she mumbled. I rubbed her back as Alexis came in with the first aid. She cleaned the blood on Mystic's neck away but there was no wound. "Can I stay here? I don't wanna go outside with all the bad people." Mystic asked. "Of course you can. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Alexis said, picking her up and carrying her to the bathroom. She ran Mystic a bath and cleaned her up. She gave her a large shirt to wear. We all walked to the bedroom. Alexis laid Mystic in between us. She clung tightly on to Alexis, laying on her stomach. "Thank you." Mystic mumbled before falling asleep. Alexis played in her hair, smiling. Alexis's eyes glowed brightly when she watched Mystic sleep. I smiled. "She seems to like you." I said and Alexis smiled. "I wonder why." She said. "Maybe because you'd make a really good mommy." I cooed and she giggled. "Sure, you wish. I wish." she said. "Trust me. You are." I kissed her cheek and pulled her and Mystic close to me protectively.

The Wolf Inside Of Me (A Chris Brown FanFiction) (CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now