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Clema made breakfast again. "Kirito! Time for breakfast! Turn off your computer and come to eat!"

"I'll be right down, mom!" A fourteen year old boy ran downstairs and received the plate of pancakes and placed it on the table, before seating himself, with his condiments.

"I saw your report card today."

Kirito looked towards Clema. "I assume that you are proud as usual?"

"I am absolutely astounded by your school performance. I still don't see how you can do so well, when all you do is play VR games."

"Mom. I was hoping to get the nerve gear, when it comes out. Since my grades have been..."

Clema's expression grew sour. "You know how I feel about those games. I can't afford it anyways. Sorry Kirito, but you will have to do without."

Kirito was certainly disappointed, but not really surprised. "Ohh... okay..." Virtual Reality was coming out with a new fulldive technology. He wanted it so desperately. His life, his reality was VR games. He didn't do anything else. He hoped if his grades were good enough, he would be allowed to play it, at the very least.

"You hate me now... don't you?" She saw the same disappointment in his eyes, that he displayed when he learned she wasn't his real mother.

'Adopted'. No records though. Kirito didn't exist. That told him that he wasn't given a name that was used by the government. To his frustration, Clema didn't know it either. They hadn't heard from Uncle Jien in years, so Kirito never could ask him. Part of Kirito wanted to hate Clema, for not taking more of an active interest in it, but it wasn't like she could afford an investigation. He would secretly watch Clema panicking over bills and cursing about having to take care of two people on a single check. When she was very angry, she would get mad at Uncle Jien, for dumping his problems on her. Clema never knew about Kirito overhearing about it. Believing that his uncle was actually his real father, made Kirito feel even more unwanted and unappreciated. These things drove him to live in other realities, just to cope. Being a loner, with no friends, he didn't have anywhere else to turn. That was why he wanted to get the full dive tech. He could finally abandon this world for a new life, even if it was temporary.

Kirito thought about running away many times, but didn't, knowing that Clema was all he had. She wasn't so bad. But she wasn't his mother. She had lied to him for years. "If I get it with my..."

"I said no! This is not negotiable. I don't trust it. I don't want my son using that..." She expressed with a bitterness. "... infernal device!"

"..." Kirito was very disappointed to be expected.

"Don't give me that look! I know how important it is to you, but you need to understand..."

"I think I should go, before my bus leaves without me." Kirito stood up and left towards the door, grabbing his bag on the way out.

"Okay. Have a goo-" A sigh escaped her lips, when the door slammed closed. "... day..."

Kirito got on the bus and followed the isle till he could toss his stuff on the back seat. He slumped his body down on the seat and stared out the backseat window, with his hand resting on his palm. "One day, I will have enough to go to Tokyo. There, no one can tell me what to do."


Jien and his partner ran with a bunch of stuff in their bags from a manor. They stuffed it's contents in the trunk and stepped on the gas. "We outdid ourselves now! We are going to make a fortune off this crap!"

"No more small stuff. We hit it big and we hit it hard!" The older man cheered.

They turned on the news on the car radio.

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