The Deal - 1

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"Come on, Mady. This is dumb." Jordan whined, stomping her small feet. I hushed her.

"You are only saying that because you lost. You know the rules." I giggle, continuing my search through the clothes.

Me and Jordan decided to make a bet a few nights ago over Mario Kart and, I, victoriously took the crown.

We never had to establish a reward because it was always easier to just dare the loser to do something. Good thing neither of us were too crazy.

I thought making her dress up in something completely ridiculous and walk around the mall with me was genius, but unfortunately she did not.

But rules are rules. So here we are in some shop, I'm not sure the name of, looking for treasures.

I hold up a very large sun hat and set it right on top of her head, smiling like a kid because she looks so cute.

"I will look like a beach grandma." She mutters, sighing.

"Not if you are wearing this snazzy Duck Dynasty t-shirt." I say, holding it out from my collection of clothes.

"God no. What? Where did you even find that? This store shouldn't even.. whatever. I will seriously wear anything but that."

This sparks an idea and I stare at her a moment.

"Anything.." I whisper to myself.

Slowly grinning, I put all the stuff down and grab her hand, starting to lead her out of the store. Even though this thought has been lingering in the back of my mind, I never found a good enough time to introduce the idea. Until now.

"Your scaring me, what is happening?" She asks unsurely, walking with me and trying to keep up with my strides.

"I have an idea. Since you like to complain." I say, giggling almost evilly.

"Hey, actually, that hat didn't look so bad." She says.

I smirk, then lean down and press my lips her hers, giving her a light surprise.

"I know you are curious, don't act that way with me princess." I whisper, kissing her again and then pulling away.

"So- this is going to be surprise. Since we aren't doing what I initially planned, you aren't going to get to know what it is." I say confidently.

"Maaaaaaaady." Jordan huffs, wanting to know now.

"Nope. You have to go to the car. Please? I love you. I promise you won't hate this." I lean down again and double peck her pouting lips before I start walking away.

"I'll be right out there. I know exactly what I'm getting." I grin innocently, not wanting to give away any hints of my plan. I look back after a bit of walking to make sure she didn't follow before turning into the shop.

This is the best idea I've had in a while.


The car ride home consisted of Jordan desperately trying to make me tell her what I had in the bag, (with was stowed away in the very back because I didn't want to take chances), and me refusing to tell her.

I had considered telling her before but she was making it way to much fun not too.

So by the time we made it home, her arms were crossed and her glaze was out the window.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon." I smile, petting her knee since she wouldn't hold my hand. I almost giggle when she glares at me and groans.

"Come on! This is so fun!"

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