jiang, you are the epitome of the happiness seen in one's eyes without your knowledge. you have the simple power to write your heart out and drag the heartstrings on such emotionless people like me. you remind me of rain; the sadness it seems to pull out of the monochrome umbrellas out in the city without the actual sad within itself. the sound of rain has some sort of reason to make me feel a certain way, as you do yourself. i keep getting lost in the way i look into your dark eyes that tell stories i can't figure out myself, but your smile, my god, it can fill an empty sad, sad room with happiness at ease. the ease feels much more than comfort in place and less of discomfort that i always seem to feel. it's a type of content, your existential content with a sprinkle of magic as if you were a magician to be able to get rid of the frown on this face of mine. when you feel like nothing, i will be here to remind you that you are something. you are jiang and nothing less.