Chapter 1: Meeting Toriel

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Frisk P.O.V

MOM YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! MY BEST FRIEND DIED AND YOU DON'T LET ME GO TO THE FUNERAL?!?!!? i said. My best friend, Amber, died because someone shot her while she was in a concert. Frisk, i said.... NO! My mom said. Wait a sec.... YOU HATED AMBER THIS WHOLE TIME?!?!!? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MOM!! To be honest..... yes i hated her the whole time. So mom hated her the whole time why? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!! i walked in to the door to go to Mt. Ebott. Frisk, where are you going? mom said. To the most dangerous place in the city, Mt. Ebott. I closed the door and ran to Mt.Ebott. After i got there, i explored a little bit and there is this hole that i don't want to go in but i tripped in a vine and went to the hole. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I woke up in a bed of yellow flowers. It reminded me of Amber cause she liked yellow. Well here we are now.... HOW AM I GONNA GET OUTTA HERE?!?! i said in my thought. Well better get going. I went inside the doorway and saw i talking flower. Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower. You must be so confused. Well don't worry i gonna teach you how to survive down here. he said. I kinda trust you and you are very nice..... and cute. i giggled. Did you just called me.....CUTE? he said. I-i-i'm sorry i couldn't resist. i said. It's ok so now im gonna teach you. then it was dark. Do you see that heart? that is your soul, the very culmination of your being. you need to gain some lv to survive down here. What's lv? it means LOVE. you want some LOVE? I will give you some! Now try to move and collect as many of these white....... friendliness........ pellets. Come on try to collect all of them. I moved and collect all of it but then... those pellets just hurt me. What will happend if i lost hp? i said in my head. You idiot! In the world, IT'S KILLED OR BE KILLED! But then a fireball came shooting at him and another monster just came. Hello I'm toriel caretaker of the ruins.

What will happend to frisk in the ruins? Find out in the next chapter.

(Hey guys so what do you think of the 1st chapter i made? btw i will be putting my sayings in a parenthisis so you will know it's me ok? ok so i will be posting my next chapter later cause my ipad is lowbat ok? ok so stay tuned for later. AND STAY DETERMINED!😜😜😜

Undertale: A Sans x Frisk Story: You're My Hero {COMPLETED} #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now