Chapter 16: Ink's Birthday

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(Video for fun)
Frisk's P.O.V

I woke up and realise..... IT'S INK'S BIRTHDAY! I quickly took a bath and put on a leggings and jean shorts and a blue shirt that says " PAINT TIME" this also reminds me of Ink. I also wrapped my hoodie around my waist just like Ink's and put on some colorful rubber shoes. I went downstairs excitedly. Whoa whoa kiddo, what's going on? Sans said. IT'S INK'S BIRTHDAY AND I'M SO EXCITED TO GIVE HIM OUR GIFT! Okay kiddo, eat up. I ate breakfast and I questioned Sans, Sans, How can I go to Ink's void? Oh come follow me, He said and we went to his lab. Sans, what are we doing on your lab? he didn't answer. He got a bucket of paint and spill it all over. I got Ink's present in here. Ladies first, he said gesturing. Oh thank you my lord. I walked through the portal and scream, INK, WHERE ARE YOU? Sans is already here.

Ink's P.O.V

INK, WHERE ARE YOU? I heard someone scream, Probably Frisk. I'm so excited to see my present. I walked around the void to look for them and saw Frisk and Original Sans. INK! Frisk screamed like a little child and hug me super tight.  Please Sans help me with your girlfriend! I heard him laughed. Frisk pulled away the hug. Gosh Frisk you almost made my bones broke. Frisk said I'm sorry all over and all over again. No it's okay come I'll introduce you to Dream and Error. Frisk and Sans followed me and I saw Error and Dream. HeY InK, WhO Is thAt huMaN? Error said. Frisk said something, Hey Ink who are they? Oh Frisk, this is Error and Dream, Error and Dream this is Frisk. She softly said Hi while hiding behind me. HEy ThERE sHorTy 2, Error said. Frisk ran away from my back and went to Classic Sans hugging him. I slapped Error. HeY whaT wAS THaT FoR? he said. Call me shorty, not Frisk. OkaY sHEesH, He said. Btw Frisk what's the suprise? Oh here you go, she said. I read the tag aloud, To: Ink Happy Birthday. I hope you like it. From: Frisk and Sans. I opened it and pulled out a key? Frisk what is this for? Error laughed. There is more in there, she whispered to me. I pulled out a note. I read it loud, Hey Ink, wanna be our neighbor? I gasp and hugged Frisk and Sans. Of course. Thank you but how much is the house you bought? i questioned curiously. Only 60g, Sans exclaimed. Thanks you guys. I will be moving in later but now let's play games! What about Truth or dare? Okay, everyone said. I was the first one to question and I picked Frisk. Frisk, Truth or dare? she said dare. I dare you to sing. I saw you sang in your party. Ok, then she sing " you belong with me"

Omg she is really good at singing! Everytime she says you belong with me, she always points at Sans. Lol😜😜. Okay it's your turn to pick. She picked Sans........ Obviously. Hey Sans, Truth or dare? Frisk said to Sans excitedly. Ummmmm truth, Sans said. Would you kiss Flowey? she said and I laughed. WHAT NO! I WOULD RATHER BURN IN HELL THAN DATE THAT F***ING WEED! Sans said. SANS LANGUAGE! Frisk said. Your turn to pick Sans! Okay Error Truth or dare? TRutH, Error said. WHO'S YOUR CRUSH? Sans said. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, i said and laughed. InK, he said. HE LIKES ME? Sans and Dream started singing, INK AND ERROR SITTING ON A TREE K.I- suddenly Frisk covered their mouth. NOPE YOUR NOT SINGING THAT TO THE BIRTHDAY BOY! She said. Thanks Frisk your a live saver, Me and Error said. JINX! Omg shorty. Hey shorty 2! Then she looked at Error and hugged me. I stood up and slapped him. DON'T CALL HER SHORTY! CALL ME SHORTY! LAST WARNING ERROR! OkAY SHeeSh, he mumbled.Are you okay Frisk? Yeah I'm fine but now let's play! she said. Okay chill.

Timeskip after playing

moving in already? she said. Yeah moving right now! Sans pulled his soul to him, dragging him. Never ever call my Frisk shorty again! he said in a deep voice and drop him. C'MON INK! Frisk shouted. Okay, okay I'm comming. Bye Dream, Bye Error! Bye, Error and Dream said and teleported to somewhere. I made a portal going through Undertale. Sans said something to Frisk, Ladies first and I laughed. Frisk Jumped through the portal next is Sans and last me. We were in front of Sans' house and my house is literally next to them. I'm so happy.

Frisk's P.O.V

Ink looks really happy. He went inside to look around and with a snap of his fingers, there were furnitures. It was amazing. Hey Frisk, Wanna sleepover tonight? Ink said. YAS CAN WE SANS? We can also invite Papyrus. He said okay. Okay Ink, We're settled. I'm gonna pack my things. Okay he said. Me and Sans went home to pack up with Papyrus. I change my clothes into a pink top and jean shorts with pink flats. I put on my backpack all the things I needed and my ballet shoes. I'm going to suprise them later that I dance ballet. I'm done packing my stuff and went downstairs. I'm Ready to go. Can't wait.

Undertale: A Sans x Frisk Story: You're My Hero {COMPLETED} #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now