Chapter 10: New Year

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Frisk's P.O.V

After we celebrate Christmas, It's almost NEW YEAR! Me and Sans are gonna buy fireworks but Toriel didn't allow us to buy it cause it's too dangerous and many people get hurt, We said okay and we just bought sparklers and a fountain. Toriel said the things we bought are okay.


It's the day before New Year and me and mom are cooking some of her yummy dishes and desserts. We even invite our friends to celebrate New Year, But Undyne and Alphys are so excited, They came here too early like 4 hours before New Year and met Mom.


It's 30 minutes before New Year, everyone is here and Sans haven't talked to me all day so I walked to him and said, Hey Sans, you haven't talked to me all day. Do you hate me? doing puppy face. What?!? of course not. Why would I hate a beautiful and kind girl like you? he said and I blush. Cause you haven't talked to me all day. ohhh, it's because you're busy cooking. Btw only 15 minutes before New Year, he said. And we just kept talking about...... stuff for the whole 14 minutes and Toriel called us. Sans! Frisk! where are you? Me and Sans are right here mom just talking! Okay c'mon now it's almost New year. Then Sans and I followed Toriel outside the house. EVERYBODY TIME FOR THE COUNT DOWN 10.......9.......8.......7.......6.......5......4.......3......2.......1 HAPPY NEW YEAR, after that, I kissed Sans in the cheek and he blushed. And then we just party and ate. And I get to meet the king! I was so excited. The king went to me and said, Hi there! I'm King Asgore, King of the entire underground. I introduce my self to the king, Hi I'm Frisk and I bowed and said, It was nice meeting you. I heard you are good at singing. Can you show me your singing, he requested. O-o-of course. The I sang my other favorite song called I'll Fight.

Everyone is so amazed, especially Sans and Asgore. Wow Frisk, You're really good at singing, Asgore said. T-t-thank you. And Sans went to me, Wow Frisk, You just impressed a king, He said. I blushed. After that, we just partied and played truth or dare. I was the first one to ask someone so I ask Sans, Sans truth or dare? Dare. I dare you to lift someone up and make them dizzy. Okay, then he lifted me up and twirl me around. SA-SA-SANS PUT ME DOWN NOW! Okay princess, then he puts me down and I was so dizzy I can't walk properly and I trip but Sans catched me. Everyone was like, awwwwwwwww. Sans help me stand up and I walked to my place. Shut-up. It's your turn Sans. Okay, Pap, Truth or dare? TRUTH...... who's your crush? he said and Pap blushed. He gulped. METTATON! he shouted and I saw how Mettaton is amazed.


Everyone left, also Toriel and I was so sleepy. I slept in the couch with Sans beside me.

Sans' P.O.V

While I was sitting in the couch beside Frisk, I felt something in my shoulder, It was Frisk sleeping. God damn SHE IS SO CUTE! I carried her and teleported in my room and place her in my bed and slept with her. *Sigh you know what Frisk? this is the best New year I've ever had because you are here. Then I slept with her.


Sans: Really chesca?

Me: What?

Sans: Why did you made Frisk sleep in my shoulder?


Sans: Yeh but who reads them?

Me: .....

Sans: No one! No one likes your book!

Me: *starts crying* you're right *sniff*

Frisk: CHESCA WHAT HAPPEND? Sans what did you do?

Sans: I told her that nobody reads her book

Frisk: Sans how could you! Say sorry or I'm telling mom

Sans: okay chesca I'm sorry😒

Frisk: There there chesca. Someday, Someone will read your book okay? just believe in your self.

Me: Thanks Frisk

Undertale: A Sans x Frisk Story: You're My Hero {COMPLETED} #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now