Chapter 10

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The sun roses up as a single ray of light shone through the gap of your closed curtains.

Hoseok groggily wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in closer as he nuzzle his face into the back of your neck.

He'd stayed the night with you to make sure that nothing happens to you. He was determined to stay awake and watch over you but somehow ended sleeping next to you on the bed.

A loud beeping noise was heard next to you, making you frown. Reaching out your hand, you slammed your palm down on the alarm clock and wriggled about in bed.

That was when you realised that your brother was hugging you from the back as he lightly snored.

You gave out a light giggle and turned around to face him. His beautiful angelic form glowed as the ray of sunlight hit his hair from the back.

It was rare to have Hoseok sleeping with you because whenever you asked him to, he would say no and tell you to sleep on your own, in order for you to grow up stronger and not be so afraid of the dark.

It didn't work though. It made you even more afraid and alone to be sleeping in the dark room on your own.

"How long are you planning on staring at me?" He suddenly spoke up, startling you.

A blush crept up your cheeks while he slowly opened his eyes.

"How did you know I was staring at you?" You asked and smiled sheepishly.

He gave out a big stretch in your bed and a little groan "I was awake" he said simply and faced you.

"Then why were you still clinging on to me when you have to get ready for college?" You raised an eyebrow in questioning.

He chuckled and shook his head lightly in admiration "because I want to hang on to you for as long as possible. I can't help it, you just smell so good"

His words made you even more red as your heart beat faster. *How could he be so sweet and adorable?* you thought and smiled.

He suddenly pushed himself up by using one of his elbow and leaned down to kiss you on the lips.

One of his hand was on your waist as he gently caressed it with his thumb. You wrapped your arms around his neck, making him grunt.

"Breakfast is ready!" You heard Jin yelling loudly from the kitchen.

You pulled away from the kiss and stared deeply into his eyes. He gave you a light smile while he noticed your scarlet cheeks.

"Are you coming?" He asked softly and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.

You nodded in response and he let go of you. You both got out of bed and headed for the kitchen.

"Ah~ Nami-ah why are you up?" As soon as you walked into the kitchen Jin widened his eyes in surprise.

"Im hungry" you shrugged as he just nodded his head. He waked over to you and wrapped his arms around you, leading you to your seat.

"Good mor- oh Nami? Why are you up? You're not going to school today" Jimin came into the kitchen and sat down next to you.

"I am" you said simply and stabbed a pancake that was stacked high in the middle of the table that was supposed to be for sharing.

"What?!" Your three brothers all exclaimed in unison as their eyes widened.

"But you have to take a couple of days off! You're unwell, Nami" Hoseok frown and stared at you sternly.

You rolled your eyes at them, which made them even more shocked. You've never rolled your eyes at them before and you weren't the type to ask to go to school either.

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