Chapter 21

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  ~|It's OK, as long as it's you|~  

Jin led you up the stairs to his room. Once the both of you were in, he locked the door and slid his hands in his trouser pocket. 

"How are you feeling, my sweet?" he asked with a light smile on his face. 

You took a seat on the edge of his bed and slowly looked around his bedroom. His room was dark and the only source of light was from the outside street lamp that shone through his window. It was quite difficult to make things out but the light was relatively bright enough for you to make some of the objects out. 

It has been almost a year since the last time you'd came in to his room. The last time you'd came, you caught him playing with his member as he lightly moaned out your name. 

It was startling and awkward, that was why you've never entered his room again, until now. 

"I'm fine" You lightly mumbled as your gaze landed on a picture frame standing on his bedside table.

It was a picture of you sleeping, hugging your teddy bear that your aunt Hyerin had bought for you. 

Jin noticed that you were staring at the picture and cleared his throat shyly.

"Why do you have a picture of me sleeping in your room, wait...did you take a picture of me while I was sleeping?"  You asked and looked at him with furrowed brows. You weren't mad, but you were just surprised.

"I thought you looked cute...and yeah I guess I did. I know it sounds creepy but it's normal for a big brother to do this" He smiled and went over to his drawer to get something. 

"Really?" You asked, not knowing whether you should believe him or not. He did lie to you before, so it was quite hard to trust him after that.

"Of course! Would I lie to you?" he turned around with a smile and raised one of his eyebrows. 

You looked down and sighed. You were sick of his lies and the way he was treating you. It was as if he thought you were dumb and foolish. 

"Yeah you would, and you have" you said, not looking at him. 

His smile slowly drained away from his face as his body tensed up uncomfortably. 

" did-"

"I'm not stupid, oppa. I know things...well now I do" you bit your lower lips, trying not to cry. 

It hurts to confront a man who had raised you up and taught you everything that you'd known.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean's just that I love you so much, and if you knew that what we were doing was wrong, you wouldn't love wouldn't want me...the way I want you" He looked down onto the floor with guilt. 

He didn't dare to come any closer to you, all he could do was stand there hopelessly, waiting for you to respond.

He didn't have to say sorry. You weren't mad, you never were. You just needed an explanation, you just wanted to hear the truth from his own mouth for once.

"Come here" You softly whispered while looking at his shaking body. He must've been so terrified of losing you. 

Your brother did as he was told and slowly walked over to you. Towering over you, he looked down at your sparkling eyes. 

"Whatever you had said or taught me, I've never forgotten. You're my eldest brother, the one that took care of me the most. I respected you...and still do" you whispered and looked down at your curled toes.

You were just as nervous as he was. He was scared of losing you, and you were scared of what you were about to do next.

"I- I love you" you took a deep breath and abruptly shot up from his bed.

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