Luna x fem!reader ~ hogsmeade

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Requested by: afangirlwithissues! I hope you like it! Enjoy :)


You smiled as you walked out of the Ravenclaw common room. Today it was time to go to Hogsmeade. You slowly walked towards the courtyard where you had to gather.

'Hi Y/N.' Olivia, your best friend, smiled.

'Hi! Are you joining to Hogsmeade?' You asked.

'No... are you? I thought we agreed we both wouldn't..' She spoke.

'We agreed we both would.' You spoke.

'No! Y/N, seriously?!'  She asked.

'Yes! I'm sorry but I'm joining.'

Oliva stopped walking and you walked onto the courtyard. A handsome blonde haired girl caught your eye. You didn't know she was joining... Luna Lovegood. You had a massive crush on her. She was the first girl you actually liked in that way. You had been friends with her for a long time. Luna approached you and you sighed to calm your nerves.

'Hi Y/N. Wonderful day, don't you think?' She spoke with her unique high pitched voice.

'Y-yeah.' You smiled nervously. 'So, I didn't know you were joining.' You continued.

'Thought I'd give it a try. Everyone was so excited about it. Isn't Oliva joining?' She asked.

'No, unfortunately not.' You sighed.

'Oh... do you want to join me?' She asked.

You looked at her and smiled gently.

'Sure.' You smiled. 

The entire group slowly walked towards Hogsmeade.  There were quite a lot of people going. 

'I never expected it to be this busy.' You mumbled.

'Many people wanted to go.' Luna said.

'I can see that.' You grinned. 

McGonagall explained something before you could all go. You walked with Luna and looked around.

'Honeydukes?' You asked.

'Of course.' She smiled.

You walked over to Honeydukes and grabbed some candy.

'What do you want? I'll pay.' You smiled.

'No, that's fine... I'll pay my own candy.'

'I insist.' You smiled while grabbed her favourite candy.

You paid and gave Luna her candy. She smiled and started eating it.

'Thank you.' She spoke after a small silence.

'No problem.' You smiled.

You and Luna sat down on a small bench. It was pretty cold. Luna looked at you and put of her jacket. She wrapped it around your shoulders.

'Y-You don't have to... you'll catch a cold.' You spoke.

I'll be fine. I don't want you to freeze.' She smiled before taking another bite of her candy.

'You're always so kind... I wish I could be like that.' You sighed.

'You are kind! I like hanging out with you. Seeing that no-one else seems to enjoy that.' She sighed.

'What do you mean?' You asked.

You looked at her.

'I hear what they call me... Loony Lovegood. People think I'm weird, but that's okay... I just know a lot of things.'

'I don't think you're weird! I think you're amazing. Don't listen to all of them. They're just jealous.'

'Why would they be jealous?' She asked.

'Because you're smart, you look good..'

Luna blushed and smiled.

'Thank you.'

'Only telling to uthe truth.' You spoke before taking a bite from your candy.

You looked at all the people passing. You always wondered what they were going to do.

'Do you also have that one people pass you-'

'Wonder what they're going to do?' Luna asked.

You grinned and nodded.

'I do too.. would they go off to work? Would they go home? I don't know.' She spoke.

'I guess he's off to get drunk.' You grinned while pointing at a man. Luna laughed.

'I think she's about to go home, she looks tired.' Luna laughed.

She looked at you.

'And what about you Y/N? What's up in your life?'

'Not much... classes, magic.. You?'

She shrugged and looked away. She suddenly didn't seem that happy anymore.

'What's wrong?' You asked her.

'So you don't like anyone?' She asked without looking at you.

'As in a crush?' You asked.

She nodded and looked at you.

'I do.. but I don't know of that person likes me back.'

She looked at you.

'Why are you asking?'

'You never share anything with me... You're always busy with Olivia. Do you like her?' Luna asked.

'What?! No! She's not my type.' You sighed.

'Then who is it?' She asked.

'I-I can't tell you.' You said.

She sighed.

'Why not? I won't tell anyone.' She smiled.

'I know you won't.. I just-'

'If you tell me, I'll tell you who I like.'

You sighed.

'You.' You mumbled.

'What?' Luna asked.

You looked up and swallowed.

'I.. like... You, Luna.'

Luna looked at you in surprise. You looked away from her and put of her jacket. You handed it back to her and stared at the floor. Luna tapped your shoulder and when you turned your face she pressed her lips against yours.

You froze as heat travelled across your body. Your stomach turned and your heart leaped. You placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her back. She pulled back and smiled at you.

'I like you too.' She smiled. 'And I have for a very long time.'

You blushed and got up. You offered her your hand. She grabbed it and got up as well. You hugged her and she hugged you back.

'Will you be my girlfriend?' You asked her.

'I thought you'd never ask.'

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