young!severus x emo!depressed!reader | part 2

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A lot of people wanted a part 2. I didn't go for anything anyone suggested because I didn't want to disappoint anyone.. I hope that's okay! If you want to request a oneshot with what you suggested you still can so then I'll still write it for you! Requests are definitely open x

I hope you all still enjoy!


You had been feeling slightly better lately. Severus helped you a lot. You loved being with him. He tried to help you through every day, which was working until now.

You spend most of your nights in his dorm. He made sure that you didn't have a chance to even try it again. You didn't feel like trying it again. You didn't have a reason to.

The only obstacle you still had was James. He didn't seem to be wanting to leave you alone. Severus tried to take most of the bullying but they switched completely to you. You and severus told Dumbledore but it didn't seem to be working. 

Severus was grabbing some drinks for you two. He left you alone at the lake, Probably the worst idea ever. Before you knew it James approached you. You sighed and tried not to look at him.

'Hello Y/N, where's your boyfriend?' He asked.

'He'll be right back.' You just said without looking at him. 'You can wait here if you wish to speak to him.'

'I didn't come here to speak to him.' James grinned while slapping your book out of your hands.

You looked up at him. He pushed you back, causing you to fall on to the ground. He grabbed his wand and pointed it at you.

'Seeing he's gone we can have a little fun with a Mudblood like-'

He stopped talking when he got some pumpkin juice throwing into his face and onto his clothes. You slowly sat up while he stumbled back and looked up with a furious look.

You looked back and saw Severus with two empty cups. He threw them into the grass.

'What the hell is wrong with you?!' He hissed. 'Look at me!'

'Leave her alone. She's done nothing.'

'Need your tiny boyfriend to protect you, huh?' He asked you.

Severus grabbed his wand and looked at him.

'Go away.' He hissed.

'How about... No.'

James casted a spell at Severus which he blocked. You jumped aside and reached for you wand. You watched the scene. Spells shot back and forwards between the boys.

'Give it up, you'll never be as strong as I am!' James yelled.

'You're wrong!' Severus hissed.

He shot a few spells at him. You pointed your wand and James.

'Expelliarmus!' You yelled.

James wand flew away and severus used Stupefy to knock him down.

'Stop it! All of you!' Professor McGonagall yelled who was followed by Dumbledore. 'How dare you two attack a student!' She hissed at you two.

'He was bullying Y/N!' Severus tried to defend his actions.

'I wasn't!' James immediately said.

'Alright, we do not appreciate lying students.' Dumbledore said while looking at James.

'They attacked me! I'm not lying!' James snapped.

'I've had multiple reports from students telling me that you were bothering Y/N. Don't lie to your professor.'

James slowly got up and looked at you two. Severus helped you up. He held you close to him.

'Well they're lying! Not me!'

'You're saying that about 5 students are lying and you're not?' Dumbledore said.

McGonagall seemed to be a little confused. She just stood there looking at you all.

'They clearly told them to tell You!'

'I suggest you tell us the truth to make your detention last a little shorter.' Dumbledore said.

'This is unacceptable!' James hissed.

'It's not!' You called out.

For the first time you were actually going to say something about this.

'I'm sick and tired of you making my life hell! Just leave me alone for like one day. Is that too much to ask?! To much to expect from you?!'

James looked at you and didn't say anything. He was too afraid that he'd give away that he was actually bullying you.

'You'll be coming with me.' Dumbledore said to James. 'Come on.'

Dumbledore took James with him. McGonagall looked at you two before walking away. You hugged Severus and he hugged you back.

'I'm proud of you.' He smiled.

'Yeah.. thanks.' You Just said.

You looked up and pressed your lips against his. Severus kissed you back right away.

'Thank you for trying to protect me.' You spoke after pulling back.

'It has to end some day. So I thought why not end it now.'

You grinned.

'That's true. I'm happy that he's gone now.'

Harry Potter Characters X Reader | Book 1 (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now